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  1. stellastella420richard

    Outdoor plants dying!

    yeah I wondered in my shed and my dad had some planting supplies and found some 20-20-20 Hi-sol, so I fed it and now we play the waiting game
  2. stellastella420richard

    Help on Some Recent Plant Problems -PICS

    allright, yeah i thought it would be that..thanks man
  3. stellastella420richard

    Help on Some Recent Plant Problems -PICS

    yo, they guy whos postin all the picutes of his yellow leaves n shit, i got the same problem..haha i may be new to growin dope but not smokin it so, i need some help..when you guys say nuts..what does that really nitrogen or something? cuz someone said nitrogen should help the yellowness
  4. stellastella420richard

    Outdoor plants dying!

    yo, if i use nitrogen my plants should they heal from being all yellow n shit?
  5. stellastella420richard

    Outdoor plants dying!

    yo, im new to this website but im still tryin to figure out how to use this, but uh im havin the same problem as the guy above, the one with the yellow leaves n shit, they were doin great and then they just started to get yellow'r and yellow' one of you said nitrogen works to help it? msg...