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  1. D

    Beware of the apollo 1000hps...2 blowed in a month

    Maybe your ballast is MH only?
  2. D

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Am I still adding liquid nutrients to the soil? The same I would as if I hydro'd them the whole time? SO this forum works different then a nothing Im on. my questions are in green. thanks a lot man
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I was able to purchase a display cloner and paint it black for cheap. I returned all my lowes items and actually got the cloner for less. Pretty excited. My question being, are my clones to close together? How long will that light be okay? Just use it until I grow roots then I can give them as...
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    My grow area

    Over all its a good place to grow. I plan on making white tarp section that surrounds the plants. that way where the plants are will get slightly higher humidity and be protected from dust that might be kicked up. I still need to figure out power situation. The outlet in the basement is the only...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    They have already been in the rockwool for 2 days. Should I remove it before the roots grow more?
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    My grow area

    I was thinking about laying the intake duct into a kiddy pool filled with water. as the air blows past it it should pick some humidity up and raise the basements %
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    Colloidal silver for anti fungal/bacteria

    effective for...? fungus and bacteria protection?
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    Humidity levels in the basement.

    thanks for this info. Are you positive its not per house. My brother lives here too and is the one currently growing. His shear laziness is actually what got me into growing. I know I can do it a 100x better. So if I have 3 adults in one house I can grow 18 plants with no more than 9 flowering?
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    Humidity levels in the basement.

    I thought about getting a couple of these to put near the plants. The problem is my basement is fucking huge. I could run 2 all day and maybe increase by 5% but thats not including the fact that I will be circulating outside air.
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    Humidity levels in the basement.

    great idea. that amount of stone will cost me a arm and leg for the size of my basement. IM currently blowing the dust off everything and trying to filter it or vacuum is up. The dust is a bigger concern. Maybe I need to get mylar. and create a "clean" section.
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    Humidity levels in the basement.

    This is currently my main concern. The only electrician I know is my boss. :( Is this difficult?
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    Humidity levels in the basement.

    the temp with out my lamp running is 65* at night currently and 70* during day with it running. Its only going to get hotter, MY plan was run at night and vent fresh air, then stop at day and no vent air.
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    Humidity levels in the basement.

    Well thats another question Im having. I live in Colorado and am over 21. My brother says I can only grow 6 with 3 flowering at once. Which is lame. There are 2 possible current MMJ patients at my work that could name me as there caregiver, but IM not sure how that would increase my plant...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Stink I am using a similar set up and was wondering if the trimmings have to be hanging in air or if I can put them in rock wool and mist 1 minute on 5 off?
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    Humidity levels in the basement.

    the basement is 20ftx 30ft. Im not wanting to spend that much if it isnt needed(is 15%-20% okay?), because making that large of an area humid wont be easy. I just discovered that the GFI is connected to the outlet in my garage. SO essentially the plug in my garage that connects the compressor...
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    Humidity levels in the basement.

    So where I am currently living my basement seems the best option for growing. All other areas would require vent ducting to be hanging over commonly lived areas of my house. The only 2 problems I am seeing so far is that the humidity level is only 15% during the day. I haven't checked it at...
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    Colloidal silver for anti fungal/bacteria

    Thanks for the solid reply. Answered all my questions.
  18. D

    Colloidal silver for anti fungal/bacteria

    So I have read that to create feminized seeds you spray colloidal silver on the leaves during flower? This will create a Herm plant that produces only female seeds? I may misunderstand this process but my question isnt about this. Is there any one out there that uses colloidal silver in there...
  19. D

    HPS won't fire/isn't my igniter.. Help!

    why would they make switchable MH/HPS ballast if you can just use the same one for both? It may turn both on but there has got to be some legit reason that perhaps you cant see?
  20. D

    HPS won't fire/isn't my igniter.. Help!

    dont you need a seperate ballast for the HPS. Are you using the same one you use for MH? THought they are specific