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  1. AliennoisE

    Help diagnosing the issue in flower

    Looks like it is, I top dressed them for the last time with 3-8-5 yesterday (per schedule) and the leaves already started getting greener hue. I water them very slowly, 20 minutes per gal (it's zen for me to watch the plants and water them, so I take my time), so I guess it helped with the...
  2. AliennoisE

    Help diagnosing the issue in flower

    That "every" plant is different is a very good point and I understand that. Also on the nutes, I understand that it might be overfeeding and that yellowing is a deficiency caused by nutrient lockup. I'm conflicted what to do with that girl. If I already overfed her, I shouldn't throw anything...
  3. AliennoisE

    Help diagnosing the issue in flower

    I did notice that the color goes darker after using Recharge. Must be the Kelp helping with Nitrogen. I will try adding a bit to see if the lower leaves recover, wouldn't like to overdo it so I don't end up with a leafy bush instead of dense buds. Thanks. I will try that. Would Indian River...
  4. AliennoisE

    Help diagnosing the issue in flower

    That was my thought, it looked like it's N hungry. But nothing helped. I added small amounts of Recharge since it has Kelp but it bounced on the lower leaves a bit and then went yellow again. I fed them with 3-8-4 Bloom yesterday with a full watering so let's see in few days, I will make sure to...
  5. AliennoisE

    Help diagnosing the issue in flower

    Thanks! Fingers crossed and it's just a Feno that looks like that when growing, it was like that since VEG, I didn't want to overcorrect with nutrients but it never actually corrected itself, just continued going yellow.
  6. AliennoisE

    Help diagnosing the issue in flower

    Thank you, I will update as I go.
  7. AliennoisE

    Help diagnosing the issue in flower

    Hi Rollitup gang, long time lurker, first time poster. I tried searching trough the forums and YouTube and can't get my head wrapped around this one, any help would be very appreciated. My Grow is from seed, FEM Cheese Diesel by Humboldt, and for some reason one plant is showing deficiencies...
  8. AliennoisE

    Help with res

    That was funny aca lukas Better Ceca Raznjatovic:bigjoint:
  9. AliennoisE

    "SureToGrow" by Hydro Farm?
  10. AliennoisE

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello Everybody, much respect!
  11. AliennoisE

    Temperatures, Humidity

    :-PMaybe he just have a busted Hydrometer:-P
  12. AliennoisE

    Root pullout

    Thanks for the reply!!! ;) ill wait and see, and HOPE.. patience is a virtue I have to remember that :) And ill keep posted on the future of this Lemon Skunk, i wonder how its going to react on SCROG since its almost 100% sativa
  13. AliennoisE

    Root pullout

    What if i add few cuts to the edges of the stem and ad rooting hormone? it looks like that the roots were going upwards escaping excessive moisture.
  14. AliennoisE

    Root pullout

    I just replaced water from a RO 7 part system. added 30ml of H2O2 mixed nutes for 20 min with pump checked ph: PH5.5 Adjusted Ph to 6.0 vaited 20 min checked ph: PH6.0 water temp: 65 The nutes were mixed properly 100%. This on pic is all 5 hours old. the old system, old bucket hoses and lid...
  15. AliennoisE

    Root pullout

    Here are some pics. to better describe the prob.
  16. AliennoisE

    Root pullout

    :bigjoint:Hi People. I am observing posts for some time now and didn't find a definite answer to my question. So i decided to get involved a little :bigjoint: Don't get insulted for saying that i didn't get involved, i just don't know how secure the pages are and how u can get traced back trough...