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  1. DanktheDudemanNuggets

    Alright, A few serious questions about Obama's 'historic speech' n a few other things

    To my wife Hnsmilf I love you very much and we will not take a fucking penny from the corrupt and fascist government and we will live off of the grid and be self sufficient. we can do this because we chose not to take any hand outs and we have the will power and mentality to do this ourselves I...
  2. DanktheDudemanNuggets

    Drinking And Smoking The Green. You Thoughts

    I do not drink at all anymore because I'm tired of hangovers and I am not a fan of beer it tastes like shit in my opinion I prefer whiskey a good tasting drink, but like I said I don't drink anymore I just smoke myself till I'm retarded..:peace:
  3. DanktheDudemanNuggets

    White Lighter? Bad Luck?

    nah we always rolled dice to see who got it first and then in the order of highest to lowest.:peace:
  4. DanktheDudemanNuggets

    Hairy Vs Shaved?

    ya its endangered so im saving the species of cheap internet, but using it.
  5. DanktheDudemanNuggets

    White Lighter? Bad Luck?

    the only smoker rules I know is: 1. dont hog the bowl. 2. dont hold out. 3. you can buy too sometimes... and 4. dont kill the buzz.:peace:
  6. DanktheDudemanNuggets

    Hairy Vs Shaved?

    sry dudeski I have the power of dial-up.:peace:
  7. DanktheDudemanNuggets

    Hairy Vs Shaved?

    I'm john wayne I called it first.:peace:
  8. DanktheDudemanNuggets

    Hairy Vs Shaved?

    my point exactly man if you get hair in the mouth swallow that shit doesnt hurt and its all natural.:peace:
  9. DanktheDudemanNuggets

    White Lighter? Bad Luck?

    lol..thats funny. So you see my fellow tokeneers by believing the white bic lighter is bad voodoo they become bad voodoo I never had a problem with a white bic lighter because to me its a white lighter.:peace:
  10. DanktheDudemanNuggets

    The Path Of Love

    I agree just like eating gm plants and veggies they are destroying life in plants as well so I am not going to go stop eating meat and become a vegetarian because people think the way those poor animals are being raised but I'm not gonna support those dick heads at the same time organic is the...
  11. DanktheDudemanNuggets

    A Thought On The Ultimate Crucifixion

    no no no the one creator is in all of us thus making us all god and in order to realize you are god you must crucify your ego and all that you are to see the light to see the real you, the inner you, the you that controls it all. Then you will be one again with the creator.:wall:
  12. DanktheDudemanNuggets


    hey man if a chick makes u a samich after sex ur set.
  13. DanktheDudemanNuggets

    a new member with a question..

    kiss-ass:hump:hey how bout we all send shit in the mail sounds like a good idea to me...
  14. DanktheDudemanNuggets

    White Lighter? Bad Luck?

    there is no good or bad luck my friends its all in your head luck is what you want it to be therefore if all your thinking about is bad luck then bad luck shall happen.
  15. DanktheDudemanNuggets

    Best Game While Stoned!

    wait wait any of the gauntlet games.
  16. DanktheDudemanNuggets

    The Best High Activities

    pogo stick thats all im saying
  17. DanktheDudemanNuggets

    Best Game While Stoned!

    if you want a fun website to go to while stoned go to - Boo Bah Dot Com
  18. DanktheDudemanNuggets

    Hairy Vs Shaved?

    man you guys are dumb...bush or not the pussy will taste the same you should be lucky your getting any. Your the reason these good looking women think they look like shit and must constantly alter their natural beauty. Man I don't care if their vertical smirk has hair or not I'm still eating it.
  19. DanktheDudemanNuggets

    I'm so High ........... that i think i see chemtrails

    lol wiki is our friend....just like chem trails are good for you..