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  1. blueberry kid

    Blueberry kid's 2nd grow. AZ seeds

    well im gonna have to wait till next year for this grow but it will be outdoors instead of indoors.
  2. blueberry kid

    Is there anything wrong with my plant?

    ur plant is looking great
  3. blueberry kid

    Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

    looking good. keep it up
  4. blueberry kid

    ******* 2008 Outdoor Monster Thread ************

    wat do u feed them?
  5. blueberry kid

    Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

    ur welcome. it should come up tomorrow
  6. blueberry kid

    Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

    yeah i know wat u mean. just make sure u dont over water it and make sure it getting the rite amount of light
  7. blueberry kid

    Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

    yea mine did that for one day. but then after tht it will get more leaves.
  8. blueberry kid

    Is there anything wrong with my plant?

    they look like they are doing alot better.
  9. blueberry kid

    Is there anything wrong with my plant?

    u got ne more pics of the plants since the other day?
  10. blueberry kid

    Is there anything wrong with my plant?

    add fish oil in every time u water ur plants. maye it will help them out
  11. blueberry kid

    Is there anything wrong with my plant?

    it might but u still have to water it.
  12. blueberry kid

    12 Strain organic medical grow

    nice looking plants
  13. blueberry kid

    Blueberry kids grow journal

    Well my plant is 1 month 2 weeks and 4 days old. And these are some pics of it. Please leave any comments. Thanks
  14. blueberry kid

    Starting My Box...Input Wanted !!

    nice grow box. its a lil taller than mine.
  15. blueberry kid

    Is there anything wrong with my plant?

    u might want to put it on every wall. it kinda helps reflect the light a lil more
  16. blueberry kid

    Big Bud-first grow

    hoff. u got ne pics?
  17. blueberry kid

    Is there anything wrong with my plant?

    i think u just need to water it every other day. and not to use semen or egg shells or that fish water. just use regular tap water. and let it sit for about 24 hours.
  18. blueberry kid

    Blueberry kid's 2nd grow. AZ seeds

    yea and i also ordered some PPP from nirvana. thts gonna be my third grow. and tht is some crazy bud!!
  19. blueberry kid

    Blueberry kid's 2nd grow. AZ seeds

    Tomorrow i will have to take pics of my indoor grow setup.