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  1. T

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    420 am wake n wake here on some bubble......way to start the day aye. peace
  2. T

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    hmmm... Wake n Bake only way i know to start the day. peace/ax
  3. T

    just me hope this isnt the general level of common sence here. sheesh ok, just for kicks, and so i can giggle a lil mo, ppl here might, just might, go to more than one forum? just maybe someone said, hey man check out this site. i been a member there awhile and it seems cool...
  4. T

    haha do you finish

    i think the smell of her bowls and bladder evacuating all remaining bio goodies would make u puke violently if ur not use to that smell. so i would say no, but dayum az i cant wait to meet ur registered card carrying mental nut... peace/ax
  5. T

    when are they going to finish??

    eye-clops is what i use to check trichs. x2OO and displays it on to a screen..i.e. tv, computer, i use portable dvd. mostly just snip couple inner leaves and place on white paper. seeing it on tv is WAY cool and Accurate. u can let them go too long. even matnuska strains must be cut before...
  6. T

    Finish the sentence above you!

    im actually living FREE, being ME!! i can see the light, because...
  7. T

    just me

    just me. just saying hey to the ppl that dont already know me and nice to see ya, to the ones that do. peace/ax