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  1. jaegerbomb

    understanding the law as a grower...

    Even the slugs in Portland are huge! Or at least someone originally from the cold cold east coast is still shocked and horrified every time I see one as long as my ring finger....yuck. But hey, quick question since this is about the new law. A friend of mine called me frantic a few minutes...
  2. jaegerbomb

    My Plants Are Suffering, please help!!

    Much better Daithy. That's looking good!
  3. jaegerbomb

    Acceptable costs for meds?

    My thinking here is that I was an un insured adult for most of my life until a few years ago. The entire medical/pharmaceutical situation is completely screwed in our country. It frustrates me that anyone that needs any medicine be it cannabis or ridiculously priced hiv/aids medications etc...
  4. jaegerbomb

    My Plants Are Suffering, please help!!

    Be careful with the apple cider vinegar. It can be used as a fertilizer for plants, in the correct dosage. I worry that you are using that to "ph down" your water. How much are your plants really getting? If you are using this every time you water your plants, I'm thinking that would be too...
  5. jaegerbomb

    Brain Tumor Patient- RSO/High CBD strains info

    There is a dispensary near me that carries TGA strains, I am definitely going to see if they have Pennywise seeds right now. Thanks for the suggestion oldschool. Great info Hillybilly, those are good thoughts. I used the mama's cloning class years ago when I first go my card to get my grow...
  6. jaegerbomb

    Brain Tumor Patient- RSO/High CBD strains info

    I've heard of hempmeds, and it is very interesting..I'm not sure though. From what I have looked into there is still some debate as to whether CBD from hemp is as effective, I just don't know? I know that people have had ridiculously amazing results with RSO, so with his condition and the...
  7. jaegerbomb

    Brain Tumor Patient- RSO/High CBD strains info

    Hi there everyone. So here's the deal. I'm a patient and grower here in pdx, I just went about 2 weeks ago and gave my excess meds to my local dispensary. About a week after that I was contacted by a man I knew 15 years ago in highschool. He lives in upstate NY, he is 32 years old (wife and...
  8. jaegerbomb

    My vertical grow idea needs a little fine tuning please help the newbie

    Prawn- I did put the other 1000 w in there. I usually just try to take pics when only one light is on, I have them set to cycle on at a 15 min interval from each other so they don't blow any circuits. I'll try and get a pic tonight of the set up with both lights in the pic, I think I may need...
  9. jaegerbomb

    Just a few buds pics!!! (Recent harvest)

    Nice work man.
  10. jaegerbomb

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Very nice pics potgrower! Here are my outside ladies this year. The fist plant on the left was a clone I was given of Toby, next to it is a strain I made called White queen and was from seed. Followed by another white queen (seed), a clone of chernobyl, and the last pic is my ripped bubba...
  11. jaegerbomb

    My vertical grow idea needs a little fine tuning please help the newbie

    Alright, I know i've been slacking on keeping this up to date. I'm about 1 week from harvest, and my ladies are having a hard time holding themselves up at this point! I'm just going to throw some pics up and tell you all what I will be changing before my next round This was on July 1st I...
  12. jaegerbomb

    Oregon's Registry to Feds

    Right on Puma! I agree. And thanks for the clarification Southerner lol. I also agree everyone should be able to use as medication, or just because you personally feel it contributes to a healthy and happy life. I just get so aggravated by people who like Slim Jim, actually want to see...
  13. jaegerbomb

    My vertical grow idea needs a little fine tuning please help the newbie

    I also have this special lady here. I've seen plants do some strange things, but this one is new for me. Not sure if the pics will really show what the plant did , and how the stem and "top bud" changed completely. My guess is that as I said , I believe my plants spent to long in the aero...
  14. jaegerbomb

    My vertical grow idea needs a little fine tuning please help the newbie

    Ok, so week two after I started flower and the ladies are growing fast! The ones that were a little larger are now getting really big and my smaller clones are well on their way. I look forward to my second grow when I have only one or two strains that I have chosen. Right now this has...
  15. jaegerbomb

    Lawmakers in Oregon & Nevada look to Legalize, legitimize cannabis dispesaries

    It's passed indeed!
  16. jaegerbomb

    Oregon's Registry to Feds

    I agree, it's a plant and it's ridiculous to tell anyone they can't grow it. To answer the question on who Need's herb, I would say this. I have a card and a medical condition that causes me large amounts of pain , among other things. All though this makes life harder for me, I don't have...
  17. jaegerbomb

    My vertical grow idea needs a little fine tuning please help the newbie

    Thanks Prawn! I actually just finished up a few changes to my return system. I have a good waterfall effect now, I needed to shorten some of my hoses so they are dropping the water in rather than the hose sitting in the res, and not really creating any bubbles or oxygen on it's way back down...
  18. jaegerbomb

    Has anyone grown TGA Subcool Timewreck or others?

    I've grown a few tga strains out, I would go with ripped bubba I grew that outdoors last year and it's less of a kick to the face odor wise than Jilly bean (in my experience anyhow). Stay away from the dairy queen strain outdoors. Great herb, smells insanely strong though.
  19. jaegerbomb

    Lawmakers in Oregon & Nevada look to Legalize, legitimize cannabis dispesaries

    Removed by request as we received a C&D from MMJBD
  20. jaegerbomb

    Oregon's Registry to Feds

    Whoa Whoa. You all are pretty riled up. Firstly Beacon, calling someone a "gash". Give me a break, that's ridiculous. This thread seems to have started about an article regarding the Feds being given our info here, and to that I say they most likely already had it, and it's not exactly a...