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  1. J

    Acid, is it a portal to the Universe

    I feel that my experience was life changing. I went to it with a lot of problems, but by the end I found myself experiencing a most overwhelming sense of peace. I am no longer the same person having done it.
  2. J

    The most awesome little grow ever.

    Yeah, I'm a little baked right now, sorry about that. It's just one of those bendy lamps you get from Wal-Mart with CFLs.
  3. J

    The most awesome little grow ever.

    My seeds popped and out of 8 seeds 5 have grown into little baby pot plants. Due to the house I'm in being on the market I had to drop all of my ambitious plans and keep my grow small. I have them under a little makeshift light for easy hiding but the most important fact is that I am playing...
  4. J

    Are You About Decriminalization, Legalization?

    I'm not for any of it. I work a minimum wage job and go to college. An ounce of anything with a name sells for $400 to $500 where I am. I've put myself through college as a middleman and plan to pay my last year with my summer grow. What would prices be like if it were legal? Yeah, it would be...
  5. J

    How many people would you screw over to stay out of prison and

    I have always done this from a civil disobedience standpoint. I accept the consequences that may result while holding out on the hope that this may someday be a non-issue.
  6. J

    Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

    Sub'd. I have been toying with the idea of a bayou for the '14 season and I'm interested to see how this comes out. I concluded I would have to scout it in the fall in for duck hunters.
  7. J

    About to Start a Summer Project and Need a Little Help

    This summer I plan to use some of my extra time to grow a batch at a house I'll be staying at. It has 4 bedrooms and an outer building that would be perfect opportunity since I will be living there for about 4 months. I've spent the afternoon reading and reading and still have a few...