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  1. C

    Budworms and destroyed budsites

    Can the chommped budsites be salvaged and turned into hash or does it have to go straight to the garbage???
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    CFL Flowering Hermy?

    i figuredd:cry: my grow space just went from 5 to 2 healthy plant. Im guessing its most likely because of light leaks?? the temp in the space is always around 85-90 during the day because of the heat here in socal. Im kicking myself because this is my fault for not tending to them enough. Too...
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    CFL Flowering Hermy?

    So i started flowering in a rubbermaid box two weeks ago and today i pulled a few plants out and saw male pollen sacks. Even from the top of my plants there are major differences. one plant is showing many pistols while the other seems to be forming buds. Can anyone tell me if pic #1 looks...
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    No direct sun for a few weeks???

    Im also in oc and have this same question. i have 4 clones that just got put outside yesterday. the next few days its gonna be in the 60s here. do you think maybe a small propane heater might be a good idea to keep the temp around the clones slightly warmer?
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    Your Stoner Lingo

    I have an odd group of friends whp make up there own words for it. They always say they are going to get "Vah". They pronounce it like veeh and using is in ways like..."are you vah? lets go get vahhed. Sounds stupid but after a feew weeks i was laughing everytime they said it
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    Your Stoner Lingo

    I have an odd group of friends whp make up there own words for it. They always say they are going to get "Vah". They pronounce it like veeh and using is in ways like..."are you vah? lets go get vahhed. Sounds stupid but after a feew weeks i was laughing everytime they say it
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    Tricky Closet Ventilation Set-Up

    Haha thanks, the house is one of the benefits of living with the parents. Fortunately they dont care about my closet idea and i am a med patient in California. But anyways thanks for the advise. I am gonna look around at other peoples set up and hopfully do something soon. Stay tuned for a grow...
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    Tricky Closet Ventilation Set-Up

    What problems would i run into? im pretty sure im gonna set up a vent fan to exit out the top of my room. Then im trying to decide setting up an intake fan or leaving a small closet space open to create circulation? I checked out your your room sealed off or is the duckting you set...
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    Tricky Closet Ventilation Set-Up

    So i am about to set up my closet grow tomorrow and i am fully prepared on every aspect of growing except ventilation. I included three pictures of where my grow is going. It is in a 6'x2'x8' sliding glass closet space in my bedroom. It is the closet to the right in the picture. Its on the...
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    What's Hash go for these days?

    my older bro lives in arizona and the prices there are jacked up. hash is usually 20 a g here from the clinic but i can see arizona kids ripping each other off selling $25 g's. last thing i herd was shwagggg zips were going for $330 in tuscon:???:
  11. C

    The Basics

    So i have never grown before and i want to know whats the basics to get for a good outdoor grow? Any advise would help i just would want to know what soils are good, how often do you water it, and what fertalizers and nutrients to give it and so on. Thanks and im going to keep the fourm updated...
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    new here! but i need your opinion

    everyones talking about shrooms and stuff but who has taken E? ive been pressured to take it latley i want to know some opinions and expirences and stuff