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  1. J

    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    Going from soil to Dwc would stress the plants and couldn't take that in there current condition I doubt either pic soil or Dwc. once in soil if then transferred to Dwc will increase chance of contamination and root rot once in Dwc. Wich would also spread to any other plants you had I'd there...
  2. J

    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    What medium where you going to use in the Dwc still haven't answered. were you planned to keep in rock wool you can't just put the roots in the Dwc without a medium. U need need to get it in the Dwc I would say you can give it all the nutes in the world but it won't make use of them at the...
  3. J

    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    Is rock wool your final medium or will you be transplanting to something else also how often have you watered and how much roughly?
  4. J

    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    Definitely don't start with full nutes if you're going to start now starts small and work your way up. Ppm should not be that high in seedlings stage more around 200 PPM for Hanna Chart PPM Seedlings, Early Sprouts 100 to 250 Early Vegging 300 to 400 Full Vegetation 450 to 700...
  5. J

    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    Roots probably not getting enough oxygen and at the moment so growth stunted
  6. J

    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    I think there is just to much rock wool I bet there are a couple inches of roots there where you planning to keep in rockwool all way through. If bit I would gentle break the rockwool apart until you see a root then transplant to the dwc
  7. J

    Help with my plants!

    If you were a true toker you would no that thoughts can pop into your head 5 minutes after writing and pressing reply on on this site providing the info you did are u likely to get another useful response quickly
  8. J

    Help with my plants!

    Was just wired as fuck tbh lol
  9. J

    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    If growing in rock wool all way through would wanna be on nutes by now I think
  10. J

    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    Have you got a closer pic atall
  11. J

    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    I would say it's the rock wool only want it in there till it sprouts then into soil or whatever other medium
  12. J

    Help with my plants!

    Just thought as well if has only just started and you haven't increased water atall could be that it's root bound looks fairly small that cup I was surprised on my first grow how quickly the roots grow in first few weeks if that's a cup the roots will hit the bottom within a week
  13. J

    Help with my plants!

    II would say keep doing What your doing because looks reasonably healthy I personally think just a little to much water
  14. J

    Help with my plants!

    Here is the middle one that I refrained from watering
  15. J

    Help with my plants!

    Looks healthier than my dodgy one and this is it now still bit droopy cus I continued to water to confirm it was over watering . this is 17 days from germ is the dodgy one in the previous pic
  16. J

    Help with my plants!

    The dodgy looking one was overwaterd I was confused at first and wasn't sure that it had more water but my shity soil moisture thing said it was wetter I didn't watter my others which have thrived this dodgy one has stayed droopy has still grown well and put out extra growth Wich is a sign of...
  17. J

    Help with my plants!

    I've been growing under a hps from seed here are a few of mine at 9days from seed 8days from germination
  18. J

    Help with my plants!

    How far are the cfls from the plant was your soil prenuted atall
  19. J

    Help with my plants!

    I'd have the hps just over 2ft away in the middle and have your cfls round the edge just above canopy level
  20. J

    Help with my plants!

    When you spray the plant and the moisture evaporates can cause the twisting and if your watering every day may be slightly over watered if curling but looks fine to me if your spraying it spray before the dark period if you have one so the light won't evaporate it as fast and I'd walk your 600w...