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  1. soccergum

    Outdoor Grow is looking bad!

    Thank you all!
  2. soccergum

    Outdoor Grow is looking bad!

    To give you a some background, I started this particular plant indoors then moved it out doors once i was big enough. Before I moved it outside I had LST and topped the plant. When I made the move outside I chose some woods. I found what I thought was a good spot, (doesn't have the optimal...
  3. soccergum

    Outdoor Grow isn't growing well! NEED ADVICE!

    Thats what I was thinking. Take the plant out, add more soil and perlite and put plant back in. I'm hesitant to use peat moss, I don't want to have to deal with ph problems. Is it easy to use?
  4. soccergum

    LST looks pretty good for this newbie

    I know that LSTing a plant makes it more bushy. But once you have established side nodes from the LST I think you can stop. At that point I believe the plant will support them and grow bushy. No need to LST all the time, especially if Height isn't a big concern. Really you should probably Top...
  5. soccergum

    Outdoor Grow isn't growing well! NEED ADVICE!

    To give you a some background, I started this particular plant indoors then moved it out doors once i was big enough. Before I moved it outside I had LST and topped the plant. When I made the move outside I chose some woods. I found what I thought was a good spot, (doesn't have the optimal...
  6. soccergum

    Is this a NITROGEN Deficiency? Yellowing of bottom leaves, Progressing upwards.

    Thanks for the good info. Ill try what you recommended, thanks. The soil always feels so dry so I was unsure. Any ideas as to why I have stunted growth? About a week and a have ago it had explosive growth, no hardly any!
  7. soccergum

    Is this a NITROGEN Deficiency? Yellowing of bottom leaves, Progressing upwards.

    Thanks for all the responses. I am currently growing inside a computer case to get the plant nice and healthy, then I'm transplanting outside. I have 2 50 watt bulbs in the case as well as 12v computer fans blowing. i water in the morning and at night. The soil always seems so dry thats why i...
  8. soccergum

    Is this a NITROGEN Deficiency? Yellowing of bottom leaves, Progressing upwards.

    Hope every one is doing well! Could you please take a look and tell me whats going on with my plant. The growth has slowed quite a bit for starters. Then about 2 days a go the first set of leafs that the plant grows began to yellow. As you can see the ends have began to turn slightly brown, as...
  9. soccergum

    My plants are dying! HELP!

    Hey everyone see if you can help out a new grower here. The other day I open up my grow box and I find that 3 out of my 7 plants had taken a turn for worse while I was asleep. The leaves with curled and saggy. At the time there was no evidence of nutrient burn. I instantly thought that the...
  10. soccergum

    New grower- Seedlings' leaves limp, and curled. Possible root rot?

    Shit really? I hope my girls come back. Thanks though. Stay lifted!
  11. soccergum

    New grower- Seedlings' leaves limp, and curled. Possible root rot?

    Hey everyone see if you can help out a new grower here. The other day I open up my grow box and I find that 3 out of my 7 plants had taken a turn for worse while I was asleep. The leaves with curled and saggy. At the time there was no evidence of nutrient burn. I instantly thought that the...
  12. soccergum

    My seedlings have some sort of deficiency. Please help!

    I need some help here. Anyone please
  13. soccergum

    Sun-stressed Seedlings

    pic didnt work for me. wouldnt open
  14. soccergum

    My seedlings have some sort of deficiency. Please help!

    Anyone else have anything more to add??? Any advice?
  15. soccergum

    My seedlings have some sort of deficiency. Please help!

    Edit: I did not start adding nutes until yesterday. So at the time this picture was taken they had not been receiving nutes. 1 of the plants has become rather large while i have 1 medium sized one and the 2 others are stunted in growth. The largest plant's leaves began to become a lighter green...
  16. soccergum

    My seedlings have some sort of deficiency. Please help!

    Hope everyone is doing well. I'm hoping someone can help me out as I am a noob to growing. So here's the problem. I am using rockwool as my grow medium and personally believe that I did not properly flush it before growing. I say this because, 1 I was not able to test the ph unfortunately, 2...