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  1. T

    auto ak47 x blueberry

    wat is it like and it's yield. Also is it better then diesiel Ryder
  2. T

    cloning ???s

    can any1 help me
  3. T

    cloning ???s

    can u take a clone and put it in water just 2 see the sex. if so how big should the clone be.
  4. T

    what is this

    i just wanted to know what it was. no that pic is from the grow faq but the same thing is on my plant
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    what is this

    lol its outside its about 2 and a half months sry bout da wait soon as i posted i went 2 go buy some dro
  6. T

    what is this

    i did look there first but im confused
  7. T

    what is this

    can any1 help me out
  8. T

    what is this

    are these male preflowers because i thought they were little balls in the nodes nstead of this
  9. T

    leaves in the nodes

    i just topped 2day actually well thanks 4 the info
  10. T

    leaves in the nodes

    a month and a half about 10" pots with miracle grow and im growin outdoors its 2' tall it gets about 6-7 hours of direct light
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    leaves in the nodes

    why wont any leaves grow in between the nodes of my plant