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  1. K

    Red stem trouble

    Hey lads,just found a light leak in my tent.Can plants recover from a light leak?
  2. K

    Red stem trouble

    Hey thanks for the reply,what can I do with it?will it recover?
  3. K

    Red stem trouble

    Thanks for replying,Have them in a grow tent under 200 w Fluo .Only have the lights on a timer fan I plug in myself,looked at them last night and their was a few small brown hairs is this a good sign?cheers
  4. K

    Red stem trouble

    Hey everyone,Got a small problem,I'm 53 days into flowering and still no buds,Stems have turned red
  5. K

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey everyone,I'm a first time grower think I have run into a bit of 53 days into flowering and no buds,it's stems our red,plant looks fine.Been giving it nutrient and some time normal tap water.It would be great if u could help thanks all
  6. K

    leaves curling :( please help!

    Hey would love to see ur pics.This is my first grow and I have 2 plants one is grand the other is like what your problem is.