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  1. JakeStoner

    can you make tea that will get you high if you use milk instead of water?

    interesting, i would like to try this!
  2. JakeStoner

    Getting Evicted Need HELP!

    That is very useful info! Just so everyone knows...I love to party and enjoy life but I'm very responsible with my money I always make sure I can afford it and still pay any bills I may have, despite how much I love marijuana I am very able to go without when it come to important stuff like...
  3. JakeStoner

    Getting Evicted Need HELP!

    I understand that there isn't a way to necessarily "speed" up the process but I thought there was a way to mature what I already have faster. But I'm getting evicted from my apartment because the rent is just too much, my main focus has been to pay the power bill Which isn't really that much...
  4. JakeStoner

    horizontal/vertical growing [possible??]

    Being negative is not a good way to start a grow.
  5. JakeStoner

    Does turning off your light for 72 hours do anything

    Trichomes are the crystals on the bud that contain thc
  6. JakeStoner

    Using all the plant to cook?

    I was woundering if when I harvest my plant, can I use the stems and leaves to grind up and cook with. I want to make some oil or butter.
  7. JakeStoner

    Getting Evicted Need HELP!

    I hear that.
  8. JakeStoner

    Getting Evicted Need HELP!

    I am going to be getting evicted from my apartment and i have 2 weeks. My plants are in their 5th week of flowering but aren't quite ready yet. I read somewhere that if you change the light cycle to 11/13 that it helps it mature faster, is this true? If not how can I speed up the flowerig...
  9. JakeStoner

    smelly purple weed! ready?

    I think they think you're in seattle because of the space needle in your pic
  10. JakeStoner

    Marijuana Shisha

    I've used marijuana in a hookah before. I first tried it half and half and it was good, then I just used all marijuana and got stuck in my chair for about 2 hours. Just use weed it works very well.
  11. JakeStoner


    I listen to them all the time
  12. JakeStoner

    Dozers Secret Hydro Lab: Part Deux

    Yeah man it looks freakin sweet!!! I like your creative modifications to your system. Thats why I enjoy growing so much, to be able to design things to constantly try and increase effectiveness and increase yield!!! I'm looking forward to seeing more!!
  13. JakeStoner

    Beer is a growers friend... in more ways than one

    I believe it. It sounds pretty interesting to me, I might try it on one of my plants and see how it does.
  14. JakeStoner

    acapulco gold

    AMEN to that !!!
  15. JakeStoner

    600w HPS complete system for $100

    How many plants do you plan on growing? and how big is your grow space? You might just be better off buying the 400w that way if something happens there is a warranty!!!!!!
  16. JakeStoner

    How much??

    It's hard to say. You'll just have to wait and find out!!!
  17. JakeStoner

    Cloning question

    I am crrently growing a crop of Jack the Ripper, they are about a month old. They are growing leaves off the nodes. I was woundering how old should my plants be before I can clone? Also how many clones is too many? Any help or a link to another thead about the same question would be greatly...
  18. JakeStoner

    How to get a thicker stem

    thank you .
  19. JakeStoner

    How to get a thicker stem

    I am growing Jack the Ripper, and it's growing so fast! I have a fan blowing in the room but is there any way to help thicken the stalk?
  20. JakeStoner

    URGENT PLANT IS ABOUT TO DIE!!! (pictures)

    Also you dont want to change the medium after the plant has established itself