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  1. davids

    2 1/2lbs in 2 1/2months in 8'x'3'x10'

    Oh I forgot total plants 16+16= 32 i get ounce and a half per plant. thats 48 oz"s easy math says 3 pound grow,, how about that bully it takes a big comitment but 3lbs with 2 four huns I use 1000 watter but the fours will do the job hit me up GB "The Razzler"
  2. davids

    2 1/2lbs in 2 1/2months in 8'x'3'x10'

    My Man,, here's what you do ,, this is my best seceret now u got 24 girls in 5 gallon buckets right with two 400 watters,, You take 12 and start your 12/12 cycle while the other 12 are dark and every 12 hours you switch the plants this method works great i do it with 16 plants in 3 gallon...
  3. davids

    Himalayan Gold 12 weeks?

    A big hermie is not success maybe being outside and then brought indoors was your problem and slow down with the watering late in the grow your buds don't require a lot of water Peace "The Razzler"
  4. davids


    Wat up bro,, one thing that wasn't mentioned it's really important to lower the humidity in the room along with the dry soil she will stack trics,, to try to protect the leaves from drying out also try to lower the temps to imatate the outdoor harvest season good luck the "Razzler"
  5. davids

    White Widow/Bagseed ALMOST READY???what would you do? tons of pics!!

    hella ,, real nice job ; no more fert, reduce humidity, water less, and that one guy is crazy please use molasses it fatens the buds up nice just don't use too much remember to dry your container before you chop...:) peace the" Razzler"
  6. davids

    When is it smokeable?

    Hey Dano,, you said you were using 2 gallon pots well I think your yeild will be less more like 1oz maybe ounce and half per plant. Its all relative to your container and proper growing conditions but they look good my man wait a little longer good luck !!!
  7. davids

    WW Big leaf problem. PLEASE help. PICS

    hey dummy u did every thing they told u not to do no more nutes u dont add nutes to wet soil again flush and let dry then add small amounts and hang on worst case u will get small wispy buds but dank listen and learn,,,
  8. davids

    Things to Know About Lighting

    Yo, first timer your a piece of shit thiefs get there fingers cut off can you dig it........
  9. davids

    Is This a Hermi?

    Yo man,, that is the ugly est plant I have ever seen burn it no offense but that is not weed some one is playing a joke on you Shits not funny
  10. davids

    Can you tell me if this is male?

    Dude,, can't you see the ball sacks C'mon chop that fucker!!!!!!
  11. davids

    57 days flowering...gonna harvest in 3 mm pics

    Hey brother,,Gotta wait 8wks and a day isn't enough just like gangjababy said flushing takes time Hold your horses or you will get hay!!!!!
  12. davids

    question about preflowering or when to flower

    First of all can't concentrate on your question with those bouncing boobs "nice tits" did she ask about me Ha Ha!!!! Second growing indoors your god nothing else matters!!!!!
  13. davids

    Chewwys outdoor grow,Poison Durban Clones(PICS)

    Shit you live in heaven "n" smoking the clouds""""the razzler"""
  14. davids

    Sweet purple (lower Michigan)

    looks good my brother,, but to many tall trees around,, there all a little streched for an out door grow bend that girl over "The Razzler"
  15. davids

    update-8 feet-smokintreez

    Ease up inverted,, shit " I think those are pounders thick white cloud of heaven!!!!!!!!
  16. davids

    My 24 Plant Outdoor Grow of 2008 (Pics)

    If you would topped a month ago you would double your yield, Great job My brother...
  17. davids

    OMG 9 Lights - 12 Plants - 15 POUNDS....Damn i'm gettin good at this

    That sounds like "hmm" outdoors ca-man dude!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. davids

    looking for weed in mexico

    Yo can you mota!!!
  19. davids

    I don't know what's going on! seedlings, DYING?

    For sure dude too much water..More hum. More fun from the" Razzler" but I'm a big liar,,,,,,,,,,,