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  1. S

    Any chi-town growers in the building?

    im in this bitch
  2. S

    Smoking bud just taken from a live plant.

    well i just harvested my first grow and it looks and smells fire as hell. bout 60-70% of the hairs turned orange and it had crystals all over it. it was just a bag seed but i think it must have been a sativa plant, it was really light green with alot of crystals and hairs and very fluffy...
  3. S

    first grow in closet bag seed need help!!!! lots!!!

    i like the homemade drip sys, good work man. one thing i noticed in the first pic tho, you probably know this already, but its a good idea to put your reservoir below the drip nozzels and the pump to avoid flooding out your shit. i had some bad experiances with an identical setup a few years...
  4. S

    my first grow, bag seed

    thanks for the comments dudes, as for the lighting question; i let mother nature do the work. its been growin outside till it started to get rainy and chilly so i pulled it in and have had it next to the window ever since. and yea i didnt spend anything on the grow so no nutes or special lights...
  5. S

    my first grow, bag seed

    my first grow, havent been really keeping track of the days so i dunno how many days into flowering it is. its been producing tricromes for about a week and a half now though. lemme know what you guys think or talk shit if you want lol o and the shitty resolution is cuz my camera phone is garbage
  6. S

    Growing multiple plants in 1 pot

    so, my friend is growing some plants and is limited on pots/soil. my question is; will plants still grow effectively with say, 2-3 plants in the same pot. will it effect how they grow efficiently(bud yield), or even be able to grow at all? also what would be some good mc'guyver style tips on...