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  1. D

    First hand experiences with autoflowering strains wanted.

    I grew LR2 outdoors earlier this year. I bought the seeds last year from Dr Chronic. Out of 10 seeds, I ended up with 2 males and 1 female. I lost most because of my mistakes. goal was to get as many seeds as possible so I pulled the shorter male and kept the tallest male...
  2. D

    Smoke Inside with NO smell!

    get a gatorade bottle and buy some cheap activated carbon at walmart for 6 bucks. fill up the bottle with the carbon , cut some slits in the bottom, cover the opening with some type of cloth or whatever and exhale slowly into the bottle. problem solved. and it won't smell like you're doing...
  3. D

    finally DONE!! What you think?

    don't know the dimensions of your cab but check out they have a 150 watt hps for (vapor tight style) for $20US. really cheap and really easy to remote the ballast. it's the same one i have. they have 250's, 400's and also some MH's as well . oh yeah, lose the active intake...
  4. D

    150w HPS in a 3 foot tall cabinet?

    yeah you can do it....get a cool tube.. i got one from Michael's (craft store) for $5.99US, its called hurricane glass. anyway check out and go to the 150watt hps club link...... put the light/cooltube in the middle and grow the plants around the light, this will give you the...
  5. D

    Cooltube won't fit in my stealth closet! Will it work vertically? With diagrams.

    yeah that'll work! you might wanna try the light right in the middle and then put four plants in each corner...i will be doing the same method but with a 150watt hps.......... and yeah, i plan on using a baking sheet (the ones you would bake cookies on) with a hole cut in the middle for the...
  6. D

    HELP! Wont Flower??

    just because the outdoor (or natural) light schedule is not 12/12 doesn't mean the plant won't flower....... i have a hindu kush that started flowering in late july when the days were about 14/10 (california)...... however i have another plant from bagseed that hasn't started to flower at all...
  7. D

    first week of flowering.

    lose the mirror.......
  8. D

    2x50watt hps

    I have a small grow box I am working on. It is 16in.x 23in which i think is about 2.5sq ft. Anyway I will be using (2) 50 watt hps lights, the ones you buy at Home Depot. They are security lights that cost around $30US each. I will be keeping them in the housing they come with except without...
  9. D

    venus fly trap

    it would be cool if you could cross a venus fly trap with some really good weed.......then it could handle its own pest control......................yeah i'm high