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  1. pinkfloydy

    Super Lemon Haze

    Shit...maximum i can go is 4ft. I Should've flowered em after 3 weeks damn it. I got greedy me thinks.
  2. pinkfloydy

    Super Lemon Haze

    HI All, Still lookin good...too good almost.... These girls are shooting up, 3 1/2 ft now & i already moved em last week to a bigger wardrobe. Any one know if they'll get much bigger? They're drinking 1Ltr with bloom every 2 days & starting to really smell now. Both Lowryders are still tiny at...
  3. pinkfloydy

    Super Lemon Haze

    I never did man. Never thought they'd get this big. How tall are yours now?
  4. pinkfloydy

    Super Lemon Haze

    Thanks man, getting big is right. Might run out of space again me thinks:cry:
  5. pinkfloydy

    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    Hey Chipp, Nice Lemon you've got ye can't wait for a taste? Had a read through the journal,Great photos & sorry to hear about Eve.(Fuckin Thieves).
  6. pinkfloydy

    CFL/ HPS Lemon Skunk Grow

    Hey man, they're lookin sweet.... How tall are they?
  7. pinkfloydy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Not the same street....only a canal block away though :joint:
  8. pinkfloydy

    Question about the moon.

    Here's an interesting & tough read about the moon & how it might affect plants
  9. pinkfloydy

    What should i do ? help guys FaSt + PICS

    that bud looks nice but there's some serious clawed leafs there....PH?
  10. pinkfloydy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Try the White Dolphin in The Dolphins Coffeeshopbongsmilie at Leidseplien. Took us 3hrs to find it & 6hrs to find our hotel after it...fuckin great. Enjoy man.
  11. pinkfloydy

    Super Lemon Haze

    What's the craic Dan, i was thinkin the Lowryders might take a little longer meself, gonna keep giving em the full strength nutes every watering to fatten em up...a few spliffs & i'll be happy.Glad the 12/12 wont hamper em too much i was worried about that...Thanks. Is the super cropping when...
  12. pinkfloydy

    Super Lemon Haze

    Thanks for dropping by man....i'd recommend em.... Thanks man, the only thing with em is they're very big & bulky....dunno about the equivalent is all i know is its 250w flourecent in the correct spectrum. Good luck with the Lemon...any pics?
  13. pinkfloydy

    Super Lemon Haze

    Right folks, Looks like im gonna run outta space, Ive 6 inches movement left on my light & Lemon 1 has grown 2 inches in 2 days. She's now at 2ft. Good complaint i suppose:mrgreen:. I'll have to plan a move to the forbidden wardrobe....the missus will freak out:obut fuck it, what the girls...
  14. pinkfloydy

    Super Lemon Haze

    Thanks man, im pushing em as hard as i can, hopefully they fatten up
  15. pinkfloydy

    Name Changes

    & Your address:o Ahh Mod's let him change his name....
  16. pinkfloydy

    Super Lemon Haze

    Hi All, As of tonight the Lemons are on 12/12 with 250w 2700k eco light....Lemon#1 is showing preflowers. They're 22 & 16 inches tall & i reckon i've 6 inches movement left on my lamp before i have to get the saw out to make more space:sad:...i let em veg too long. Been giving em full strength...
  17. pinkfloydy

    leaf problems

    Whats the craic man...if yer gonna leave em in those pots ye should check the PH runoff from the soil yer using...Any Grow shops close to ye? There's lots of em about around IRL....If so get a liquid Ph tester. What is the soil by the way?
  18. pinkfloydy

    Leaves curling

    Might have damaged the roots when transplanting & now she's sulking.
  19. pinkfloydy

    Droopy plants.

    Jriggs might be right, the same happened to me i waited too long to water em & they took a day to recover properly. Don't be letting em dry out completely before watering, try adding water just before you think they need it.
  20. pinkfloydy

    Super Lemon Haze

    Thanks folks....