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  1. D

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    I had few of them last year, they were the earliest harvested of all mine, they got the chop april 6th and were a week or so early because the stems couldn't take the rain weight even after staking/ tying. grows massive buds. if I recall it was about mid feb before I seen signs of flower...
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    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    hey guys haven't checked this thread out for a while, some great looking ladies you lot have on the go this year hopefully you all get a good finish to the season. The weather way down south here was terrible everyone I knew that grew out doors lost the lot, mostly due to the continuous...
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    Humboldt Seed Organisation, anyone try their seeds?

    grew out a few hso blue dreams last round. 1 grew extremely solid buds, smelled kinda cheesy the other was pretty all blueberry, my room constantly smelled of blueberry, yielded well too. only problem was the solid cheesy 1 put out a few nanners pulled it 2 weeks early, this time round though...
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    bud site stripping

    blah blah blah here we go again with uncle boners rants, go get a life you probably don't even grow you just sit at home on google 24/7 being a know it all on internet forums. seriously you must have fuck all of a life if you just troll sites like this wanking on about the same old shit, im sure...
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    Wtf is wrong with my plant?

    congrats you've got a boy, now as above kill it
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    Please help - Can i go vert with my setup :)

    hey kiwi, those tents are a pain in the arse alright, if you can get access to a good (commercial, upholsterers) sewing machine zips are like $5dollars a meter I put zip flaps on the top half of the other 2 sides of my tent, made access so much easier, you in nz or you just got kiwipaulie for...
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    has anyone ever grown dr. krippling bulk or s.h. money maker?

    I noticed also the very fast appearance of buds, I usually take clones 2 weeks after 12/12 but within 5 days small fuzzy flowers were appearing on them. I didn't really notice any stall they wernt overly quick to bulk up just fairly constant really. only in the last week they've stopped getting...
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    has anyone ever grown dr. krippling bulk or s.h. money maker?

    incredible bulk 2nd incredible bulk and the incredibly shite strain hunters money maker. ive read so many reports do not buy from these guys but thought id give them a go waste of time, space and money cudnt give that crap away
  9. D

    has anyone ever grown dr. krippling bulk or s.h. money maker?

    I have both strains growing at the moment both 7 weeks into flower, SH money maker is a shitter don't waste your money, it looked awesome in veg but is a disappointment once it budded just tiny pathetic lil things hardly any pistils/calyx. the incredible bulk however lives up to its name...
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    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    I got the same freebie a while back, put it in and not sure if its auto, seed mix up, or just a mutant but it autoflowered. finished off bit 50cm tall just over 1oz of nugs. I just sprouted the othere freebie SB a couple weeks ago to see if its the same. smelt like bananas when growing once...
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    cant believe uncle boner has gone this long without jizzing all over a defolihating thread.
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    Lollipopping ( Any Scientific Evidence? )

    the defolihater troll strikes again, clearly the people that want to talk about pruning, defoliating and lolipopping couldn't give a flying fuck about what you've read somewhere on google. being reasonably new to growing I would read all your posts you seemed knowledgable but know I realise...
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    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    Try trademe for the iso, keep it under 15L otherwise you've got to fill out ad declaration thing and give contact details, reason etc, wouldn't go buying large amounts frequently either might raise suspicions, modify a pressure cooker and you can recover %95 of the iso and reuse it saves a lot...
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    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    its a big gamble, if you pick the right field and it gets harvested last then you win otherwise some cows have some trippy feed to eat. a good friend of mine drove a maize chopper for 3 years some days they would chop up hundreds of plants (same cars driving up and down the road all day long...
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    big bud x white widow

    grew out 20 of them all from seed , 15 indoors and 5 out, no nanners at all. the outdoors seemed to take forever to ripen though and a fair bit of rot by the end. agree on the taste, not that flash at all for both the indoors and outdoors but I reckon the high was pretty good tho. but yeah ive...
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    giving defoliation during flower a try

    hell no!! they've all been to scared to try after what they've read lol. I just grow for a bit of fun and enough bud to keep me going so don't really care, I understand people like uncle ben are trying to pass on "their knowledge" but that's pretty much like telling someone else how to raise...
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    Doctor Underground King Kong

    no probs, not the best pics but here goes.. left is king kong middle is m.e.t.h and the right is hell stone. 6 weeks to the day from placing on paper towel, 5 weeks 3 days in soil. just for an idea on size the odour sock is 16" high melon gum day 31 12/12
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    Doctor Underground King Kong

    is this the first time groing hell stone? Ive got hell stone , m.e.t.h and king kong all about 5 weeks old, had the melon gums going for a year now and love them so thought id try some of Dr undergrounds other strains, cant find bugger all info or grow reports on them tho.
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    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    timers can fail leading to great disappointment. a lot of people I know that grow outdoors in remote areas line a hole with plastic ( not cheap tarps theyre woven and leak) usually dug in autumn to catch winter rain/snow runoff can also do as you suggest and have a tarp to increase catchment...
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    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    from everything ive read up the HSO version seems the better 1 to get lots of reports of the cali conections being prone to hermie. I guess it will depend on phenos if you got a very sativa type most photos and reports ive found are mostly indica. as for worrying about hight im not an...