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  1. J

    2 WK Old Seedling Drooping (PICS)

    Well the problem is fixed! Thanks Jack. You were right about the overwatering. However; the Chelate I added Drastically increased my root growth by about 50% faster so the plant is able to intake more water. I did notice slight nute burn on one of my AK's due to rapid nute intake from the...
  2. J

    drooping plants, plants not doing good

    Assuming your water temp isn't the issue. I would suggest flushing. Remember to let your tap water sit out for a day (gallon jugs, bowls, etc) to evaporate majority chlorine in the water.. I'm assuming this is a pure single DWC system so your other plants are doing ok? Or purchase a couple...
  3. J

    drooping plants, plants not doing good

    Couple questions... What is your water temperature? Are you using softened tap water or hard water? Also, I would lower your ph more around 5.6-5.8. Not sure how much light gets through that hole but consider raising the plant and reduce the hole size to avoid light penetration. And if the...
  4. J

    2 WK Old Seedling Drooping (PICS)

    I added 1/4 strength iron Chelate (Royal Black 0-0-1), because a friend told me they look like they are have trouble with Chlorophyll Synthesis. Hopefully will help with the thinning colour.
  5. J

    2 WK Old Seedling Drooping (PICS)

    JACK: nvm i thought root bound just meant 'growing roots'; definitely not rootbound. As for the Over Watering. Would you recommend my watering be decreased to 50sec on/300 sec off (1:6) or greater? I know a lot of guys that leave it 24/7. I guess different genetics? Cpappa: For the Cal Mag...
  6. J

    2 WK Old Seedling Drooping (PICS)

    Are my plants trying to tell me something? I have 8 seedlings (4xAK-48 (AK), 1xPineapple Chunk (PC), 3x Afghan Kush (FU)). The AK's seem to be growing well. The Afghan Kush seems to be Drooping quite a bit. The leaves seem kinda thin, but not crispy. Is this normal for rootbound seedlings...
  7. J

    New Flowering Set-Up - Drawings Need Review

    Bump! Mostly wondering if the two 180deg sprayers will be enough per plant. Using 3.75" net pots in a 5gal bucket.
  8. J

    New Flowering Set-Up - Drawings Need Review

    Reading through the posts I've noticed a lot of Eng's/Elec./Mech. Techs/HVAC/etc. So I figured it would be smart to run my flower Aeroponic Bucket System by you guys first. Let me know of any possible issues. Assume: -Adequate flow rate and pressure to 360deg 1/8" nozzles (x12) -Adequate...
  9. J

    Newbie Update w/ PICS - 4 Plant Bag Seed Hydro

    Edit: 3 weeks more 12/12 plus 3 days darkness.
  10. J

    Newbie Update w/ PICS - 4 Plant Bag Seed Hydro

    Thanks JoObJoOb. Think I will do another 2 weeks from now of flower. Just curious if anyone noticed anything weird in those pics? More around pic. 9of10. Hopefully I am just dreaming but think I may have a HERMIE.
  11. J

    How much longer are we thinking? Check her out :)

    I'm not sure. But damn that looks nice. One newbie to the next; I'm jealous. I'm going to check your profile out now..hopefully you kept it up to date. Jimmy
  12. J

    Newbie Update w/ PICS - 4 Plant Bag Seed Hydro

    Also. I have been going off YouTube videos for Trichome discolouration to determine harvest time. am I good to assume once those trichome balls start turning opaque i'm good to harvest? I also prefer a higher CBD content which I have heard increases as maturity goes on? Up to a certain point.
  13. J

    Newbie Update w/ PICS - 4 Plant Bag Seed Hydro

    Thank You kagecog! Always makes me feel better knowing i'm somewhat on track What method do you use to turn these popcorn green lower stem buds into hash?
  14. J

    Newbie Update w/ PICS - 4 Plant Bag Seed Hydro

    Note: Harvested green popcorns are post other plant pictures. Figured I would remove them now that I have the time. Probably taste like shit but guarantee it does the trick.
  15. J

    Newbie Update w/ PICS - 4 Plant Bag Seed Hydro

    Hello bongsmilie, I just recently got help on my set-up and issues at Here's my update: -Removed popcorns and thinned out the ladies -added some high tech heat resistant shinny side up 0.016mm aluminum foil...
  16. J

    Newbie Grow w/ Pics - Hydro Yield Problem

    Thanks Bass. Good to know they will hopefully fill out more. I just thinned the plants out a little to let some light in. Also got rid of the "popcorns". Due to heat at the moment I can't run my 400W I have, even though I know that will make a world of difference. I will hang some CFL's below...
  17. J

    Newbie Grow w/ Pics - Hydro Yield Problem

    Yeah figured so. I'll order some new seeds. Any changes I could make right now to increase the yield and quality? I'm shooting for another 2.5 weeks of flowering. 1.5weeks with the Heavies Late Bloom Enhancer - 0-40-23. And 1 week flush with an additional 3 days in darkness flushing.
  18. J

    Newbie Grow w/ Pics - Hydro Yield Problem

    Hey. First time threader and cultivator, long time . I'm disappointed with the bud production to date. Any input on low cost alterations, possible issues, or plant conditions is much appreciated. I know its a cheap system but anything I can afford to do I would like to. Day 32 flowering 250W...