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  1. M

    Leaves falling off and changing colors

    fresh air is what I'm missing and lots of
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    Leaves falling off and changing colors

    very possible
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    Leaves falling off and changing colors

    Hey chuck Yeah that calender thing is simply a joke......funny though You may be right about the nutes.
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    Leaves falling off and changing colors

    dgp......No I haven;t fixed the problem as of yet. Those particular leaves that Have turned that color had purple stems before getting to this stage of yellowing Maybe it's low on N like everyone says because i;ve also added some epsom salt to help with mag deficency. As for the mites.....I...
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    Leaves falling off and changing colors

    I will try to boost the N and see what happens. Fisrt thing I will do is flush the reservoir and change my formula by adding more N to my soup mix. any suggestions as to how much I should mix. I'm using GH 3 part series
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    Leaves falling off and changing colors

    Well I'm in the flowering stage and maybe this is normal for leave to look that way. Then again...I think not. Anyway my plants are very far from a calender...... Are you serious about this ? I started to laugh when I read your post but anything is possible
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    Leaves falling off and changing colors

    Hey chuck, Maybe it wasn;t but it felt like it was since they flourished in a matter of no time. I'm using tap water and usually wait a few hours for the water temp to raise to 65 deg F since our water is so cold. I then add my micro, bloom then grow and Ph it at 6.0.
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    Leaves falling off and changing colors

    Reason why I said that it;s because the minute I added molasses to my soup mix on the third week. The buds really showed signs of life. Now was it the molasses or maybe it was time for them to flourish like this.
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    Leaves falling off and changing colors

    thank you for your respond Mr. Ganja. I figured maybe it was a nitrogen difficiency as well since they are turning that color. However I wasnt sure if that's what it was or maybe spider mites. Reason why I say spider mites it;s because some leaves were losing it;s green color and started to show...
  10. M

    Leaves falling off and changing colors

    Hello everyone.... Can anyone tell me why my leaves are turning this color and falling off in the 4th week of flowering. Hydro is the way I'm growing and I'm using GH 3 part series combined with 1 teaspoon of blackstrap molasses into one gallon of nutrient mix.
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    Male or Female

    Yes in pic 7 it looks like the sac may have aleady opened . Then again ....was it a sac? When do you see those balls hanging anyhow.....after those little sacs open up?..... I'm A a little puzzled bacause I haven;t seen anything hanging yet but I did see little ball shaped things that may...
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    Male or Female

    Hello everyone, This is my first grow and was wondering if one of my plants is a male or not. I have these two plants which I'm growing hydroponically and I've switched the lighting to 12/12 about 18 days ago. One plant is definately a female (oh yes baby) see pic #1 & 2. The other one...