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  1. rushbuds

    Brown lumps growing out of control! (pic)

    !!!!!!!!!!!thats ^^^^^^^^^^^^^one and a half table spoons of hydrogen peroxide per cup (250 ml) of water*****
  2. rushbuds

    Brown lumps growing out of control! (pic)

    Hhhhmmm you could try scraping those things off with a razor ...then clean the stem with one and a half table spoons of hydrogen peroxide ...apply it about 3 times up and down the stalk with a paint brush or somthing alike let it dry out between each application
  3. rushbuds

    its been 12 days since i had a cancer stick

    i qwit......its been bout 4 smokes......keep it up
  4. rushbuds

    Cfl flowering journal (pics!)

    thats one thick ass plant
  5. rushbuds

    The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

    next year start earlier....i have some taller then me.....i started littel before spring
  6. rushbuds

    TreeTop Growing !! ( ultra stelth)!!

    put barb wire up in the tree so people cant climb it ...or som sort of booby trap
  7. rushbuds


    for shure cut that shehe down
  8. rushbuds

    ~~Am I Too Late?Missed The Season!!~?

    mmmnnmm ..hes right
  9. rushbuds

    Topping a plant twice?

    I recently topped mine up to16 times!!!
  10. rushbuds

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    does pruning your plant stress it????
  11. rushbuds

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    yeeeee true
  12. rushbuds

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    it was for my own safty
  13. rushbuds

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    ya i know but what if he choped me???
  14. rushbuds

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    Be safe cuz you never know
  15. rushbuds

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    thanks mahn.....also i was walking near a wooded area were i have had outdoor plants before and there was a biker who got off his bike and went up this foot path...i had a suspision but continued walking past him...on my way back i went and check out this path...i turned a corner to a large open...
  16. rushbuds

    how dark is dark?? check on your plants when there in there dark period you can install any ordinary light socket and put one of those GREEN LIGHTS in it instead of the ordinary light bulbs... the plant reflects the green light instead of obsorbing it...or you can install GREEN christmas tree...
  17. rushbuds

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    how about when the plants are still in veg???can i clone them then?? also im wondering whats the some of the best organic fertilizer for flowering for my outdoor plants....THANKS BG420
  18. rushbuds

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    dear BG420.....okay so i now find out that my cuttings arent rooting because there from a cannabis ruderalis plant witch is already in flower outdoors....i need a genitic copy of this plant how the hell do i do it?....i heard of air layering do you know anything about this?... how about reveging...
  19. rushbuds

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    fuck it I just threw the other cuttings out and took more.. This time I dipped each cutting in rooting gel and stuck them in the spounges like you say... Hopefuly it works.. Do you think I should have used the rooting gel or no ?
  20. rushbuds

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    fuck there not it was just a peice of foam from the spounge