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  1. E

    Louisiana pickup

    I get super frosty purp super stinky my purp looks white cause there is so much frost on it but that stuff looks kinda blan and almost looks black .. Not trying to offend u buddy but you grow the bammer
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    Any Xbox Live Stoners???

    Get on halo 3 and hit me up if you wanna get raped, my GT is N16xxLynchin
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    Louisiana pickup

    Dam I get way better purp for 200 an o
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    Indoor to Outdoor?

    okay so i started about 10 clones inside under a 600 and grew them out until flowering and then i got 20 more babies so i put these flowering plants outside now and the babies in. i have a tarp setup but one side of it is open. the top is tarped and the other three side as well so its pretty...
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    Plant problem please help!

    iv been flushing with straight water for two weeks now and some are coming out of it but they are weak and skinny i truly think it is just weak gentics
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    Using soil straight out of the bag?

    where would the salt be from and how do i combat the problem? thanks for info
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    Using soil straight out of the bag?

    yea i have others that look perfect
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    Using soil straight out of the bag?

    the leafs are getting kinda crunchy too so it must be some kind of burn...
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    Using soil straight out of the bag?

    so you think its nute burn ?
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    Using soil straight out of the bag?

    and i had them under a 600 watt for like a month then put them under a 1000 for a few weeks then back to 600 cause it got too hot in the room and now theyve been outside for like a week
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    Using soil straight out of the bag?

    i havent really given them any nutes yet accept one feeding of roots organics but im using ffoc straight out of the bag also
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    Using soil straight out of the bag?

    thats what i did today i gave them like 3 gallons each
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    Using soil straight out of the bag?

    my ph has been at 6.8 the whole time, i have a few plants that look like that and they started looking like that about a week ago and it started with the new growth
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    Using soil straight out of the bag?

    have you ever seen anything like this before?
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    California outdoor growing?

    nice i put them out like a week ago. hopefully they keep vegging
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    Using soil straight out of the bag?

    what do they say?
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    California outdoor growing?

    i have a 600 indoor and i want to put them out because they are getting too tall but im afraid they will go straight into flower and then go back to veg in like a month when there is more light . what do you think ?
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    Using soil straight out of the bag?

    does anyone use soil straight out of the bag? iv always heard you should let it (fox farm or miracle grow or whatever) sit out in the sun and water it a few times before putting your plants in it. couldnt find anything when i googled it so thought id ask yall. thanks for info
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    Plant problem please help!

    also the leaves are looking wrinkly
  20. E

    Plant problem please help!

    i have a few plants in my grow room that are starting to do this curling in the new leaf growth and they look like they are drying out. the temps are steady at 80 degrees im not sure the humidity. im running a 600 watt light about 3 feet about the plants cause its hot. any one know anything...