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  1. Z

    Inquiry of interest

    So I can make a product on htgsupply for far less and probably sell it for 10-15 (shipping included) compared to their 32 and list it legally in the US on ebay. I'm just doing an inquiry on this as I know next to nothing when it comes to growing cannabis Here is the product...
  2. Z

    Inquiry of interest

    So I can make a product on htgsupply for far less and probably sell it for 10-15 (shipping included) compared to their 32 and list it legally in the US on ebay. I'm just doing an inquiry on this as I know next to nothing when it comes to growing cannabis Here is the product...
  3. Z

    newbie here. Got some questions

    What is the most effective system for growth? What is the most cost effective system? What is your favorite system and why? I've heard Aeroponics is best for root growth as it always has the nutes present and has plenty of air present at all times.
  4. Z

    newbie here. Got some questions

    I've been hearing Aeroponics supports tge best root growth despite nutes
  5. Z

    newbie here. Got some questions

    More of a question about your thoughts behind hydro and Aeroponics. I'm looking for the most water and cost-effective way to grow Indoors with hydro. Dwc doesn't seem to fit that boat. Aeroponics from what I've heard is your best bet.
  6. Z

    led DIY help request

    How much lumen do you get with your setup and I take it I would get more if I went with your driver?
  7. Z

    led DIY help request

    So no one answered my question do you need 2 drivers per LED? The drivers are 50 watts and the light is 100. And no one said anything would AC from a wall outwork or do I need DC power from a computer power supply? Also should I just go with 3070s?
  8. Z

    led DIY help request

    Must have large plants for 1 per plant. It is a 150 hps replacement for each light. I couldn't make up my mind between the 3050s and 3070s. I'm hearing these lights way out perform hps
  9. Z

    led DIY help request I read all 31 pages and still a little lost. From what m reading they are using a 50 watt such as Now I don't know how that would work with one 50 watt...
  10. Z

    led DIY help request

  11. Z

    looking for an led setup

    I'm liking the concept of led but there is not a lot of supporting info. Benefits I know of ATM just comes to heat. Led COULD save you money in the long run with bulb replacement. Some advice would be nice
  12. Z

    looking for an led setup

    I'm starting with a 6 ft long. 6 ft in depth and 6 ft high. I was thinking of getting Four 150 watt leds. ATM I'm leaning towards one 600 watt hps.
  13. Z

    A greenhouse

    Low smell strains could work. Also the fruity ones but how would the dehumidifier + carbon work. No intakes for the greenhouse. squirrel fans for exhaust with an inline carbon filter. Air would enter the greenhouse via air being forced outside of the greenhouse via cracks and what not and air...
  14. Z

    A greenhouse

    Completely forgot about them. How about the odor control?
  15. Z

    A greenhouse

    Hes also looking for a cheaper plastic for the greenhouse. Something that still makes it hard for people to see inside but allows light in.
  16. Z

    A greenhouse

    My friend is planning a greenhouse. He has about 6 acres of land. He plans on building it 20 feet by 20 feet 9 feet tall. Where he lives the Average relative humidity is 71-76 through the year. One of the issues he is thinking about is humidity for the use of a carbon filter. He does not want...
  17. Z

    Planning for a grow room

    Been doing a lot of reading and now I have some questions LED VS HPS From what I have read the only real advantage a LED has over the HPS is the heat. So I have made up my mind to go with a HPS. The issue I will be facing with the HPS is heat in the summer. It can get up to 100F outside during...