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  1. T

    Digital Ballast and RF Interference

    Hello, I recently posted this under the advanced section, but think it might be better posted here. Hello, I have a 600 watt hps with a digital greenhouse ballast. The cable company has cut off my service because they traced a cable "leak" to my house. I've had the ballast on for a couple...
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    Digital Ballast RF Interference

    Thanks Mr, but I'm kinda electrically impaired. What do you mean by the power lead?
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    Digital Ballast RF Interference

    Hello, I have a 600 watt hps with a digital greenhouse ballast. The cable company has cut off my service because they traced a cable "leak" to my house. I've had the ballast on for a couple months and haven't noticed any problems. They want to come inside and test the lines to see where the...
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    Amber Trichomes - Do They Exist?

    Just harvested the one plant that miraculously pollunated itself. I still haven't found the male flower on any of the plants. This one was about 5 oz's wet weight. I started flushing these about week 7 thinking that they would be done in 8 weeks. Almost all the large fan leaves have turned...
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    Amber Trichomes - Do They Exist?

    Just wanted to let everyone know I'm starting to see more amber trichs on one of the plants. I'm a couple days into week 12 now. Damn! what a long flowering period. The last plant I chopped down and jarred finally got rid of the hay smell and although doesn't smell like the supa-dank, it is...
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    Amber Trichomes - Do They Exist?

    bonze - they showed sex about 4 days into flowering and had visible buds within a little over a week.
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    Amber Trichomes - Do They Exist?

    football - What I meant is after watering the pots stayed wet for over a week. I thought maybe they were dying and went ahead an harvested. I now know I should have just waited it out. Thundercat - it's a long story, but I am the only one to grow from these seeds. I'm not sure how the...
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    Amber Trichomes - Do They Exist?

    Any thoughts from anybody would be awesome. I'm a noob and scared of f'ing this up.
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    Amber Trichomes - Do They Exist?

    ok, so it's been 10 weeks 5 days or 75 days. One of the plants has a few of the trichs turning amber on some of the larger leaves, but only the smaller trichs. Almost all of the others are milky. When I view the trichs from an above view some of the heads look amber, but haven't seen any...
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    Amber Trichomes - Do They Exist?

    The light has been constant, but maybe some gaps between the flowering and veg rooms have caused some issues. I've read that some indicas take about 10 weeks. Has anyone had any that take that long?
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    Amber Trichomes - Do They Exist?

    Hi Everybody, This is my first grow. It's an indica strain my friends brother has been growing from clones since the 80's, and they decided to breed it with another strain of indica. After the 3rd breeeding I got seeds and am now almost 10 weeks into flowering under a 600watt hps. One of...
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    Leaf Lesions and Curling (pics)

    i hear ya bonz. I like molasses, but not sure If I'll like the taste when smoking it, so I'ma lay off of it too. As I promised here are some pics of my girls. They are really starting to swell now. These were taken on day 41 of flowering. I'm really satisfied for my first grow. I just hope they...
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    Leaf Lesions and Curling (pics)

    What does the molasses flavor taste like in the buds? It seems like a good thing.
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    Leaf Lesions and Curling (pics)

    Just to keep anyone updated that was following this post, the issue was def nute burn. After flushing the couple of plants they all bounced back within a week or two. Thanks to everyone for their help. Also, just a couple more questions for the pros. I'm now at the end of week 6 and know...
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    Yellow Fan leaves

    just like any plant, leaves will die and new ones will grow. I'm no expert either, but my plants in veg and flowering do the same thing. As long as it's just the bottom ones you'll be OK.
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    Leaf Lesions and Curling (pics)

    Cool Bonz. I'll flush the other 2 tonight and give them 1/4 nutes after the flush. Tonight is time to water and feed anyways. I'm using unsulphured molasses too. Should I start feeding them that again also?
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    Leaf Lesions and Curling (pics)

    Just wanted to update with some new pics. The one plant that I've flushed (seen in the first 2 pics) seems to be doing better. The new leaves aren't curling and the old ones are slowly uncurling. The 3rd pic is one that I am considering flusing also, but wanted to make sure nute burn was the...
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    Leaf Lesions and Curling (pics)

    Yeah bonz, the fans are on the same timer as the light, so they're on all the time. Calicat, I'm usually pretty careful about the watering. These plants don't have any foilage for about the 1st foot (i trimmed them about 2 weeks into flowering). I'm pretty sure it's nute burn, but I haven't...
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    Leaf Lesions and Curling (pics)

    It's a 600 watt hps cool tube with a 424 cfm fan pulling and a 250 cfm fan pushing air through the tube. The plants are about 6" below the tube, but this one isn't directly under the bulb. The temps stay about 75 degrees and I'm pretty sure heat isn't the issue
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    Leaf Lesions and Curling (pics)

    yeah, I used about 3 gallons to flush. My tap water is right about 6.5 ph. I haven't foliar sprayed since flowering started. Today will be the 3rd day since I've flushed, so when I get home I should be able to tell if the flush is helping. Thanks for your info bonz and I'll keep you updated...