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  1. G

    Is this a male plant?

    yea thick its a male. The other two plants have white hairs but this one doesn't. Will do the deed tomorrow. Thanks
  2. G

    Is this a male plant?

    Hi, This has been in the flower stage for a few weeks now, I think it might be a male but thought i would check before cutting it down.
  3. G

    diagnosing the problem with photos

    in hindsight I shouldn't have flushed it as thought it could be getting too much of something from the Nutrient enriched compost. I have ordered some Nutrients online but don't think they will be with me till Monday. Would it be worth giving it a different feed before then? (one that I could...
  4. G

    diagnosing the problem with photos

    Have repotted it in a bigger pot as I could see roots coming out the drain holes. will try the distilled water next time i water it.
  5. G

    diagnosing the problem with photos

    should i leave it a few days as I just flushed it yesterday?
  6. G

    diagnosing the problem with photos

    No will look into it, thanks
  7. G

    diagnosing the problem with photos

    Hi, This is my first time growing and think I may have a problem with this plant. It is being grown in 50% 'Miracle Gro' Nutrient enriched compost (feeds up to 6 months) 50% Perlite. I'm aware now that this was not a very good idea but i'm trying to make the best out of what I have. The plant...
  8. G

    question with pics

    thanks, I think from the link that I can just see pre flower so will have to wait a few more days to find out
  9. G

    question with pics

    Hi, Here are a few pics of my first grow. Just put into flowering a week ago. Can anyone tell if this is a male or female yet?