Thank you that has help back to my other thing about my leaves just took some more pics you can see it a lot better would be great if anybody has any tips on this thanx
I also don't why my girls go sleep before I turn the light off I am doing 8 at night till 2 in the afternoon but 2 hours before I turn the light off they look they are sleeping dose any body have any ideas plz
Thanx for the help no I am using water straight out the tap and thenn I ph test it and have to add acid to bring Down to 5.5 or round about there everytime I have used my plant food wich is canna a and canna b it don't seem to like it I have tired to half the dose but still have the same problem...
No sorry 3rd week in veg and I using 2 600w lights and my temp is 76 and my hudmity is 56 and I water ever 2end or 3erd day and the only reson using 2 lights now is because I have 11 plants and one light was not doing them all