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    Some healthy tips

    Well I found a good home remedy which I also tried that on my teeth.... Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda, with a pinch of salt. Add a few drops of vinegar to it to make a paste. Foam up the mixture a little and then brush your teeth with it. Follow these teeth whitening home remedy after brushing...
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    How Marijuana Could Help Glaucoma

    Yes it can cure that disease but its use could conceivably make the vision loss from glaucoma worse.. Because marijuana does lower the eye pressure, it also lowers blood pressure. Lower blood pressure could result in reduced blood supply to the optic nerve, which in turn might harm the optic nerve.
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    anyone tried hemp oil for diabetes?

    Well dear its not proved that hemp oil is really beneficial for diabetes.. because I searched it and don't get any satisfactory results.. but some one said that this news was spread for boosting the sale of hemp oil.. but if this oil really cures diabetes then I think its a big achievement.
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    All gamers please answer me..

    Well Guys I recently buy Acer laptop.. the specifications of laptop are mentioned below.. guys please tell me which games I can run on this laptop.. because I don't wanna spend money on those games which I can't run. Processor: Ci5 Ram: 4GB Hard Drive: 500 GB Graphics: Intel HD 4000...
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    favorite music.??

    Well today's my favorite song is Heart Attack by Demi Lovato... I love that songs because it touch my soul and the high and lows of the songs are awesome.... I think this will be my favorite song until I hear a more good song then this.
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    Hello I am new here...!!!

    Hey guys I am Archer, 22 year old and currently doing a part time job. Well today's I have some extra hours in daily routine and I am confused that how to spend my extra time but I don't wanna waste my time. So my I got an idea that I should join any community to get some good knowledge about...