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  1. H

    worst drug youve ever done

    Mine would prob be bunk speed paste with some methamphetamine in it and god knows what else... it was enjoyable but dirty, and made me aggressive (wanna beat up people for NOTHING) and crave more.
  2. H


    I don't abuse benzos... I know they are addictive and have bad withdrawals. I just like to pop some here and there when im bored or when I'm on a MDMA comedown like now... a klonopin is a perfect thing to take. I slept 15h last night! :) im no smoker but I bought some white widow of SR... my...
  3. H


    I mean why not? hah. I don't see what's wrong with posting a pic. But that's prob cause im always on either xanax bars or klonopins and don't give a fuck about anything. Everyone tells me I look younger than I really am... I'm 20. :P Thanks for the welcomes. :)
  4. H


    Heres me, myself and I :
  5. H

    MDMA roll report #10 (best night of my life) Great Story

    Yeh I'm 20, turning 21 in a few months. I'm pretty sure that's the age when most people get into this stuff. At least, I can say these are good memories I'll never forget. :) I might not quit, but I'm sure taking a break from it. Used it 4 times in 2 months. Looking forward to trying MDA or...
  6. H

    Sup HC here

    Just joined here... I'm from, also on HF and Bluelight under another name. I'm a year old MDMA user (I only do dutch rolls), recently got into Klonopin and Xanax. Looking forward to smoke weed (got from grade AAA medical stuff), but I want that to remain special, so I leave it for...
  7. H

    MDMA roll report #10 (best night of my life) Great Story

    Yah I wrote that report when I was still commingdown the next day... I wrote that book with such ease lol. Sorry for the grammar, English is my 3rd language and I tried to make it readable. MDA is a very rare, I payed premium price for the g, hopefully it's worth it. I might mix it with some...
  8. H

    First time weed - White widow medical grade

    So, as 420 is close by, and since I got invited to the 420 rave. I recently got my hands on a g of White Widow medical grade. I'm wondering, is this to much for a starter like me? As weird as it might sound, I started with speed/meth a year ago, then got in mdma 9 months ago and recently...
  9. H

    MDMA roll report #10 (best night of my life) Great Story

    Yeh... it's just getting "old", I need something new you know what I mean, it's always gonna remain fun, I guess I just need a long break. I think I'll just start exploring the psychedelic world... I have MDA and 2CB on my way, I'll try 25I Nbome soon and probably get some LSD later on...
  10. H

    MDMA roll report #10 (best night of my life) Great Story

    Ive settled my mind that 28th was the last time I would be rolling, I mean quitting on a round number #10 after nearly a year of use, ive abused this drug left and right (I've used it 3x more than the recommended annual use by its creator) and it learned me so much in my life, it gave me so...