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  1. Geek Green

    Hello From Geek Green

    Thank you millie for your support and willingness to helpout the poor new guy, I have posted the same info on my sick babies in severalspots on this website. Feel free to takea look and post your thoughts. And thanks aging.
  2. Geek Green

    Hello From Geek Green

    I am deeply sorry and do repent my words Kind Lady (no punintended), tho I meant them only as a figure of speech, and not to give offence.
  3. Geek Green

    Hello From Geek Green

    Thank you good sir.
  4. Geek Green

    Geek Greens Frist Grow.

    Thanks I will.. and I will post update photos soon.
  5. Geek Green

    Hello From Geek Green

    Hello, I am Geek Green long time reader not so longtime member.I hate to be rude or forward in any way for this is my introduction, but myneeds do press me. So I would like to ask some of the better growers in thehouse for help. I ask some of you elder growers to remember when you were onyour...
  6. Geek Green

    Geek Greens Frist Grow.

    Let me just say out of the gate, Thanks for the reply bro. 1) Q: What kind of soil did you use, how often are you watering? A: for soil I went with a soilless mix 1/3 peat moss 1/3 Perlite 1/3 Vermiculite in 16 and 20oz solo cups to start all cups have 5 drain holes and 1” of pea...
  7. Geek Green

    Geek Greens Frist Grow.

    ok here are the photos I said I would post. come on folks can I get some feedback plz(can you help a brother out).
  8. Geek Green

    Geek Greens Frist Grow.

    Thanks for the reply; I moved my light up to about 24”. Iwould like to hear what you think of the rest of the room, do you think it willbe ok as it is. And as for the nutrients M-grow is all I have and I am ok with itfor this grow (I know many repent the very thought), I would like to get...
  9. Geek Green

    Geek Greens Frist Grow.

    Hey Geek Green here, let me first get the tech. stuff out ofthe way, and tell folks what I amworking with. Gear: I set up a 4’x4’ growroom (give or take a 1” or 2”) hehehe. Light: Got a quantum dimmableballast 1000w 750w 500w, an eye hortilux 1000w HPS bulb, Light is set on 750w at...
  10. Geek Green

    Geek Greens Frist Grow.
