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    Flowering Back to Veg How Long till I Clone?

    Thanks Woomeister that saves me a lot of time. I was thinking on putting the plant back into veg for a week or 2 before I start cloning. I will put her back into veg now and take a couple of clones from her now then wait a week or 2 before I clone her some more.
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    Flowering Back to Veg How Long till I Clone?

    I put my plants into flowering 2 weeks ago and I can now tell which ones are females. How long should I put them back into Veg before I start cloning my girls?
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    Germinating Seeds in Cloner?

    what would be bad about it?
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    Germinating Seeds in Cloner?

    I recently bought an air pump, a small tub filled it with water and some air stones. I put them all together to make my cloning system. I'm using some rooting hormone to help them root faster. I was wondering if I could or would it be a good idea to start some new seeds in the cloning system...
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    My Carbon Filter Setup

    Thanks for the help everyone. I'll go get the ionizer fan and the stuff I need to make a carbon filter. I can't decide on which to get so I'll just go get them both and see which one I like better lol.
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    miracle gro

    Hmm i've never used that stuff before. I use the regular powder mix miracle gro all the time and it works well for me. I say try it out and see what happens.
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    My Carbon Filter Setup

    Hmm I didn't think about the backpressure burning up my fans motor. Ok so I will get an inline fan instead. My setup is just a circular metal duct tube with a fan in it and a carbon filter on one end or I could put filters on both ends with the fan in between the filters. The fan will be a few...
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    My Carbon Filter Setup

    I'm having a problem with the smell of my plants. I'm going to go buy the stuff I need to make my little filter setup and would like some opinions on what I should do. I was going to go buy a small circular 9" fan and put it in a tube of some sort, like a round air duct tube. Then I was going...
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    Pollen from other plants affect anything?

    Thanks for the help Seamaiden. Ravioli that's the funniest thing I've heard all day.
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    Pollen from other plants affect anything?

    yea i know that they won't be fertilized. I was just thinking that the plants might make seeds for some reason(seeds that aren't fertilized). So they won't make seeds at all?
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    Pollen from other plants affect anything?

    I was thinking on bringing some of my pepper plants in from my garden when it starts to get cold and was just wondering if the pollen that they produce would affect anything on my girls. I know that they wouldn't produce any seeds that could be grown but would the pollen from the peppers make...
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    Light leaking into flowering area

    Thank you for the reply. It looks about the same amount of light that they would get from the moon. If they don't start showing sex for some reason by the end of their 2nd week I will put up some black plastic to cover it up.
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    Light leaking into flowering area

    I just put some plants into my flowering area and there is some light leaking into the room but it is very little will it affect them?
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    Something Wrong with clone please help

    I'm going to go get the stuff to aerate the water tomorrow. I'll go cut it and dip it in powder now. I tested some methods on some random weeds around the house using just water and diping them in powder both methods worked.
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    Something Wrong with clone please help

    I topped my biggest plant a week or two ago and put the cutting in some water. The leaves look great but the bottom part where it has been cut and sitting in water is very soft and squishy like it's rotting or something and there are no roots. I don't know what to do should I cut the soft...
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    Miracle Grow Hydroponics

    Guess I'll try it and see what happens I have a couple of other nutes that I think I will throw in also. I'm thinking on using some lawn fertilizer 12-12-12 like 1 tsp to start with and I'm going to try a manure teabag using horse manure and alfalfa meal teabag in it to to make sure that they...
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    Miracle Grow Hydroponics

    I was thinking on making a hydroponics system and was wondering if miracle gro would be good or ok to use in the water? I don't have any place near me that sells hydroponics nutes and I don't want to order them online. Is there any types of nutes that I could find at places like Walmart, Lowes...
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    2 same size plants only one smells.

    Yes, it's possible to clone without using rooting gels GROWFAQ
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    Moldy Seeds and Hydrogen Peroxide?

    I've tried to germinate seeds in a damp paper towel, moist soil with and without plastic wrap covering the pot, and soaking them in water until the roots sprout. In each of these methods I've had problems with mold appearing on the seeds and so far out of all the seeds I've tried to sprout...
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    When should I Flower?

    Hmm any guess then? Like an average amount you'd get.