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  1. FuzzyE

    A success!

    5 bucks says that same deer pics it with its teef
  2. FuzzyE

    Florida Growers Thread

    ya its 20 grams and its a felony... not even an oz.. shi... And this one time we walked into my friends back yard and their was a plant growing... we didnt plant it on purpose.. it just started growing, swear to bob. the back yard was were we smoke:blsmoke:
  3. FuzzyE

    How much for this sack???

    REGGY!.. on man.. i can get way better for $5 a gram..thast when i was sellin though.. and i moved a year ago to washington.... i doubt id get my old hookup
  4. FuzzyE

    Florida Growers Thread

    Florida = DIRTY SOUF BRAWWWWRRRRRRR:evil: Any ways i jsut moved to washington state from florida... man its so perfect there... all you need to do is drop seeds and they grow
  5. FuzzyE

    Welcome New Members!

    This looks RALLY similar to what i am using on my one plant.... Suggestions?
  6. FuzzyE

    Welcome New Members!

  7. FuzzyE

    Welcome New Members!

    sneeky sneeky..i wouldnt look thier....whatkinda light are you using and dose it work?
  8. FuzzyE

    Welcome New Members!

    should take some pics once you got it working. id like to see this.
  9. FuzzyE

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey my names john. I had attempted once beforeto grow a plant.. first time i gave it plant food too soon and died so im goin to not use plant food... another time one jsut kinda... sprouted in the back yard.. swear to bob.. just walked outside and hey look a plant... were we usually smoke..that...
  10. FuzzyE

    Chlorinated water

    Can i use bottled water?