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  1. G

    Massive starter leaves? *pic*

    This is mj plant I had a plant come out just like this. The seed pod stayed on the leaves and it grew its first true leaves with the seed pod holding the water leafs together ended up.snipping the water leaves off. Causing it to look very similar to this. Keep growing it. Mine is my strongest...
  2. G

    confirmation! its a girl!!

    So today. I found the pistils I've been looking for!! I'm 109% sure my space queen is a girl.!! Broke my all male streak!! Now I need to start researching cloning ! I've taken her from inside CFL and transitioned her to outside. Since its 70-80 degrees out during day and 60s at night. And just...
  3. G

    blue mystic update 21 days flowering

    I've been wanting to grow this strain def. Subbed for updates.
  4. G

    oddly large leafs

    The screen is for my ties. When I lst it. And indcas.. ahh got me droolin. I love me a good couch lock high when I go to bed. So perfect. I hope its a female as well! Thanks for the support!
  5. G

    oddly large leafs

    So I solved my what issue by turning the fan around. And while working on that I noticed my newest plant. It's on its third set of leafs. All organic same cab as my space queen. I don't know anything bout the seed other then it was pretty good buds. No name. So bag seed! But look at the leaves...
  6. G

    heat stress?

    I'm currently using co2 as a supplement. As for the fan blowing on the plant I'm doing that now. Was more to move the heat off the bulbs. But it hits the plant directly. Do y'all think it would be better to create a vent in the bottom and push hot air out in a sence creating a negative vacuum...
  7. G

    How many ppms of co2 will i produce

    I use that same method. 20 oz bottle cup of sugar and yeast. It creates enough co2 to keep my meter reading 34 ppm for the first week but it slowly drops off over time. Little trick with this the more sugar you use the longer it produces co2. The more yeast you use the faster it creates co2. Iv...
  8. G

    Growing inside and outside

    I can't speak much on the our door all day inside all night. But I personally keep mine on a 18 /6 light schedule. And Iset mine outside during the 18 hours of light. Just to get the better light. But there back in by lights out. Now I have read that plants grower inside produce more...
  9. G

    heat stress?

    Ok so I'm fairly sure my cab is to hot. It's running about 90 degrees with lights on. Drops to 65-70 with lights off. I didn't have this issue until I added more cfls. I'm running 98 watts on one space queen. I have a fan in with the plants. Pushing in fresh cool air. But its still running hot...
  10. G

    my spacequeen

    Ok well I guess I should wait then
  11. G

    my spacequeen

    I'm not 100% certain of what I'm looking for and I got no mag glass. But I think I see white hairs
  12. G

    my spacequeen

    Here is my lady. Or I hope lady. I'm 60% sure its a lady. She's about four or five weeks into veg under 3 13 watt 6509k CFL. One 20 watt day light florescent tube.ans one 13 watt 2700k cfl. I also set her out side on the nice days to soak up the sun. I'm am using a little LST to control height...
  13. G

    Compost/EW Question

    Throw them in! Earth worms are a huge help to compost piles as they break Down the scraps and wat not. Another little trick is to urinate on the pile. Urea nitrogen helps with bacteria. I know that may seem weird but hey it works. But watch out if you live in q city. Neighbors might get wrong...
  14. G

    random piles of weed

    Sorry if I put this in the wrong spot. And very possible its good luck. But it happens even when I'm.not out. I'll be doing something abs find a pile. I have always just thought. Hmm someone must be telling me to smoke. Lol.
  15. G

    random piles of weed

    Anyone ever broke up weed on a surface then smoked ans forgot all about the rest of that pile you broke up? Only to find it days later when your out. I just ran out today. Got to looking around my room. Found a bowl on my dresser. A blunt ontop of my guitar cab. Under the amp head that sits on...
  16. G

    space queen cfl grow.

    Yay first issue !! Ha ya right I'm high but not high enough to get excites over a problem. So I'm growing organiCompost soil. Compost teas for water and fish tank water because of the nitrates and nitrates fish produce. What would be organic way to correct phosphorus
  17. G

    space queen cfl grow.

    It's solid purple no stripes what.deficiency. could cause this nitrogen?
  18. G

    space queen cfl grow.

    Hi all. I got a space queen female bout 3 weeks into veg using the CFL ans sun light approach.I watts of CFL 6500k ans 13 watts of 2700k. Growing in compost and perlite. noticed today that the stem is purple. Is spaeeapurple bud plant? I know IRS got red to it. But I haven't seen purple space...
  19. G

    tricks to increase female plants

    Lmao I caught that and was editing it as you replayed smoked to early now can't spell
  20. G

    tricks to increase female plants

    So iv read that there's tricks to increase chances of getting females. Infact high times hada whole page on it.. I might go dig threw my collection now. If I recall right there were saying keep seeds in freezer for 24 hours before planting to get females along with a lot of others like cooler...