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  1. Wingforward

    Rockwool to pellets question

    bump Still hoping...
  2. Wingforward

    Disease specific MMJ strain list

    testing out my new avatar and sig
  3. Wingforward

    Rockwool to pellets question

    This is such a newb question but I gotta be sure. Running a bucket ebb & flow system. After germinating a seed, and I get 1/4" sprout, do I put it in a 2x2 rockwool cube and then place the cube into my bucket full of pellets? Then hand water the cube, but dont run the pump until when?
  4. Wingforward

    Digital wall timer

    I plan on building an ebb & flow bucket system but need help on the timers. I want something digital that I can program for my water cycles. Any suggestions?
  5. Wingforward

    Intake & Exhaust Size?

    I think this is a CFM (cubic feet per minute) question. If you want to recirculate all the air, then its easy. A fan will be rated by CFM. For example, if you have 1000 cf. And want to recirculate in 5 minutes, then you need something that will have a CFM rating of 200. If your asking what...
  6. Wingforward

    Underground 22x11 Design

    Speaking as a contractor, I think your plan is too ambitious and doesnt have secondary benefits. The main reason I dont like it is that your doing all this work for a grow room and when your done, all you have is a root cellar under a deck. If you are going to do this, why not just get an...
  7. Wingforward

    Grow room economics

    This might provoke an answer from a veteran that smacks of, 'no shit, welcome to reality" but I'm suprised at the startup costs to get a real grow working. My first plan was 6 plants using a switchable 400w light on a timer, with exhaust fans, intake fans on timers and also a temp/humidity fan...
  8. Wingforward

    Newbie quesitons

    3) Is there a use for the leaves I prune off? I heard that if I find a male plant, keep it seperate and the leaves are good for making a blunt. I love cigars and so on. But for the female leaves? Toss or use?
  9. Wingforward

    Newbie quesitons

    Hey everyone, First post here. I'm building my grow room right now, ordered a few books... 1) I dont have any seeds from crappy weed. I only buy good weed and it's rare that I find a seed at all. I have a total of 9 seeds I have been able to keep. I purchased some seeds from Nirvana and I...