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  1. M

    Gypsy Nirvana

    Subcool's thread got closed. What an asshat. An overglorifed pollen checker that doesn't even test his own "crosses" (I dare not call them strains because they're not truebreeding) and has the gall to wish the worst on ppl. There's reasons why you're treated like shit at Cup's there, bud. It's...
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    Jack 47... Sounds NICE.. Anyone familiar?

    their genetics are stable and just tasty. The head high lasts for a good 21/2+ hours, very easy to clone but the only caveat i can think of is the fact the mothers seem to flourish the best in continual grow under grolux or t5's, hps and mh being too harsh and causing a yellowing effect...
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    Jack 47... Sounds NICE.. Anyone familiar?

    I have this strain in my stable. Probably the best antianxiety mmj I've expereinced. Here's a link to my review w/ pics. hxxp:// just change the xx's to tt's and it should take you there. Peace, MMG(7ge)
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    Sweet Seeds Jack-47 grow journal

    Just picked up (10) femmed SS Jack47 but have some Purple Snow and Lemonhead goin at the minute. They are both very falvorful and potent pheno's of Nirvana's Fem SnowWhite. Next up is the Jack47 but back to the issue at hand I am seeing nute burn induced necrosis of the leaves. I also use the...
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    Curing Snow White

    r u curing in your grow room or something? It looks as if your buds have been drying somewhere wehre they've been exposed to direct light, changing the hue of the bud. r u curing in a dark very dry place? Dry'em all the way through (@least the bud itself) and don't forget the daily air...
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    Second Grow

    I have 3 Snow Whites (1 Sativa-Dom, 2 Indica-Dom) and was wondering what she smokes LIKE, YIELD UNDER 400WATT HPS and hermy %. Thank you very much, I appreciate all u could tell me. p.s. I tried to pm u these questions but it said your mailbox is full :( YOU CAN PM ME AN ANSWERS IF YOU'D...
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    1st grow with pics AK48, Snow White, Ice

    I have 3 Nirvana Snow Whites (~1' tall) 8) growin' atm. Two have expressed the Indica pheno and the third is Sativa dominant. Your's is younger then mine lol but i'M waiting for the sucker shoots to lengthen a bit more b4 clones r taken. I'm definately pullin up a chair on this grow there...
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    First Grow: Snow white & LSD: Questions and journal

    Mine are doing well under 400watt ConvMH w/ FoxFarms OF and nute trio and Brer Rabbit Moleasses. I guess i should start a journal then...
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    last concert you saw?

    Saw Melvins w/ BigBusiness a couple months back. Waitin' for Soundgarden to collectively pulled their heads outta their collective assess and gig some more.
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    best pothead job?

    second hand book store...HEAD SHOP...record know, anywhere you can show up the resident slackers in under a week. somewhere they don't ask for a pee test. :)
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    what brand soil?

    Either FFOF w/ additional perlite or I've used Black Gold many times...good stuff.I mix in w/ my Black Gold: Earthworm castings, perlite, and LillyMiller's SuperSweet (or Soil Sweet), this balances the ph cuz of the dolomite lime. I hope this helps.
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    400w vs 600w hps

    go with the 600 watt and use a 6inch exhaust and a passive air intake.
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    Dr. Chronic

    He clearly states on his website that he does not deliver to countries wherein possession of cannabis seed or germination of said seeds is in fact illegal. So...NO.Hope that helps.
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    ISLAM - just clearing a few things up for ya'll

    Well...let's see. If they're telling me to vote fucking green party, then why aint my fucking candidate winning every election. Huh? There's your first hole I've discovered...It's sad to see this. On every side...White-black...Thesist-Atheist...Fanatic-Moderate. I'm sorry to say Euthanatos, that...