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  1. Rocketman64

    Cannazon Seedbank Review

    Mr.C is by far the best customer service person I've ever dealt with in this crazy seed business. He does what he says he's going to do and does it with a smile. Here's a quick email I received after placing an order with Canazon: "... i was going through todays invoices earlier and i think i...
  2. Rocketman64

    80's Bag seed strange pheno- ID ideas anybody?

    Okay, all you guys are right on the button. I've never seen this before in any of my plants so I assumed it was a strange phenol. In reality, it had a nutrient deficiency problem of some sort. I've been using this soil mix for years but for some reason, this year it's lacking something. I dumped...
  3. Rocketman64

    80's Bag seed strange pheno- ID ideas anybody?

    Thanks partner. I'm not one for taking clones so this will be kinda new to me. I think I'll go ahead and snip one just because all the other plants I've grown from this batch of seeds have not impressed me.
  4. Rocketman64

    80's Bag seed strange pheno- ID ideas anybody?

    I only posted to the Advanced section with this one because I'm assuming some of the more experienced growers may be hanging here. I've been begging old friends over the last year to go through their old smoking gear to see if they could find some seeds from days gone by. Finally, a good friend...
  5. Rocketman64

    Study: Sugar demand, not auxin, is the initial regulator of apical dominance

    The dreaded post hole digger, uggggghhhh. I spent 8 years installing satellite dishes for a national company many years ago. We installed rain or shine and in the dead of winter with a frost line touching around 12". Our posts had to be below 40" to keep the freezing ground from heaving the...
  6. Rocketman64

    Study: Sugar demand, not auxin, is the initial regulator of apical dominance

    Excellent idea using the malting idea. Like you, it's tough to quantify exactly what's being used but again, it certainly doesn't hurt anything. Have you done any side-by-side just for giggles?
  7. Rocketman64

    Study: Sugar demand, not auxin, is the initial regulator of apical dominance

    Never ending battle I imagine. Congrats on a sweet looking(and producing) vineyard!! I hope it's more than a labor of love for you, labor of 'cash' sounds more fun.
  8. Rocketman64

    Study: Sugar demand, not auxin, is the initial regulator of apical dominance

    I'm actually distilling but the process of mashing is virtually the same. So grass seed, huh? I'm listening...
  9. Rocketman64

    Study: Sugar demand, not auxin, is the initial regulator of apical dominance

    During my travels I've driven past vast areas of grape vines that seem to run for miles. I simply can't imagine the time involved in harvesting a viable crop from all that. Holy smokes!!
  10. Rocketman64

    Study: Sugar demand, not auxin, is the initial regulator of apical dominance

    Ahhhh, malting. I know this process quite well as one of my other hobbies requires this same process to allow the enzymes to break down the starches into something my little yeasties like to eat. Although you have anecdotal evidence only, it seems to me the readily available sugars produced by...
  11. Rocketman64

    Study: Sugar demand, not auxin, is the initial regulator of apical dominance

    I'm impressed with the even spacing of the spurs and just how organized it all looks. I imagine this vineyard has a few years on it? I can see something like this taking quite some time to arrive at what we're seeing here. Were all these vines planted as just shoots from another vine, kind of...
  12. Rocketman64

    Study: Sugar demand, not auxin, is the initial regulator of apical dominance

    So, in the harvest pic- all the foliage we're seeing originated from the spurs you have spaced apart on the cordon arms? Forgive my ignorance but are spurs also producing the buds for the grapes themselves or do they come later from shoots off the spurs? Thanks for the info YouTwitFace.
  13. Rocketman64

    Study: Sugar demand, not auxin, is the initial regulator of apical dominance

    Check out some information on Mycorrhizal networks if you really want to keep it simple when it comes to soil life. You'll be amazed how easy it is to maintain a proper soil balance with the correct ingredients. Molasses is nice but I prefer it in my cookies!
  14. Rocketman64

    Study: Sugar demand, not auxin, is the initial regulator of apical dominance

    Excellent post, Ben. Interesting times we live in. It's stuff like this that keeps reminding us just how little we know. After all the years of study on plants and all living things, new stuff is discovered every day. It's truly a treat for a science guy such as myself to sit back and soak it...
  15. Rocketman64

    Study: Sugar demand, not auxin, is the initial regulator of apical dominance

    Pretty straight forward for me as well, however, 'sugar supply' shouldn't be taken literally. In other words, dumping white cane sugar in your soil, well, duh. Hope they have enough research dollars to continue the study and determine exactly the molecular structure of the 'sugar' they're...
  16. Rocketman64

    No, lower budsites DO NOT need light to develop! Get educated.

    I don't doubt your results and it's proof-positive that there are thousands of ways to make this plant grow. However, since we really have nothing to gauge what the plant might have looked like had nothing been removed, we can only assume it would probably look different. None of us could...
  17. Rocketman64

    No, lower budsites DO NOT need light to develop! Get educated.

    I'm always amazed at how the people who think they have it all figured out are the first ones to ignore the most commonly known fact when it comes to horticulture- leaves are where the Photosynthesis takes place, not the flowers. I'll go out on a limb here and suggest the growers not having luck...
  18. Rocketman64

    Dual Spectrum Lighting?.

    I grew a giant Bubblegummer a year ago in a trash can with nothing but CFL's. I used 6500k for vegging around 3 months. I switched to flower with 2700k bulbs. I flowered this thing for almost 16 weeks until I literally couldn't stand it anymore. The trichs were showing no maturation at all. They...
  19. Rocketman64

    Water filtration Recommendations Please

    My pleasure Magic Man!!
  20. Rocketman64

    Water filtration Recommendations Please

    I have read that higher levels of chlorine can kill or at least slow the growth of mycorrhizal networks in soil atmospheres. I have no legit studies to back that up or any way of knowing what levels are considered dangerous. It makes sense but I don't think we're dealing with those kind of...