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  1. jivalst

    Air Conditioned cool tube idea- will it work?

  2. jivalst

    Good Seed Banks?

  3. jivalst

    Good Seed Banks?

  4. jivalst

    new leaves yellowing

    Need to check pH. Could have nute lock....not getting nitrogen
  5. jivalst

    Scog & gurilla

    You should check out the user Al B. Fuct. He has step by step
  6. jivalst

    Al B. FAQt

    Okay just to be this what you mean? And will the 10" Blower on this page work Discount Hydroponics - Vortex Power Fans
  7. jivalst

    My Newly Constructed Grow Room

    What wattage are your HID's
  8. jivalst

    Al B. FAQt

    Lets see if this would work. Check out the new layout I know that there a four lights per run but maybe I could just get a larger fan? If so what size centrifu Fan do you recomend? Is it a problem to reduce the duct size connecting to the cool the duct is large enough for the...
  9. jivalst

    My Newly Constructed Grow Room

    Your on your way....what type of set-up you got for veg and for many plants you gonna run?
  10. jivalst

    Al B. FAQt

    Sorry forgot the diagram
  11. jivalst

    Al B. FAQt

    Ok Al, Does this look correct for a 12x12 room with 4'x6' flood trays? Given that this is done correctly what do you estimate my yeild running Big Bud? How many clones would it take to fill my 4x6 trays? I'm thinking 36. Thanks in advance. I also thinkin I'll use my 1000hps for my...
  12. jivalst

    My Newly Constructed Grow Room

    Thanks Bro!
  13. jivalst

    Al B. FAQt

    Thanks Al...
  14. jivalst

    My Newly Constructed Grow Room

    This is what I see when I click on my pictures and pictures! Marijuana Growing > jivalst's Profile Albums Search Forums Show Threads Show Posts Advanced SearchSearch Tags Advanced Search Quick LinksToday's PostsUnanswered PostsMark Forums ReadUser Control PanelEdit...
  15. jivalst

    Al B. FAQt

    yeah sparky I'll do that.....FH
  16. jivalst

    Guess my yeild?

    I veged to 6 internodes...3-7 sounds great but I would be surprized
  17. jivalst

    Al B. FAQt

    Oh shit that sux! What a moron...the post doesn't have the edit button. Is there an administrator I can talk to about it? I'll check it out...sorry guys
  18. jivalst

    Al B. FAQt

    Hello Al, As it is right now I have a 12x12 room with a center ilse and on each side have tables that I have built 2' off the floor. Each table is 4x12. I only have 1 4x6 tray as of now but after looking into your threads think i'm going with SoG. Over my tray is 1000w HPS in SunSystem covered...
  19. jivalst

    Guess my yeild?

    Is it the same for hydro?
  20. jivalst


    The shit im growing came froma bag of mexican compressed....check out my journal