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  1. M

    Curing Lemon Skunk, bad taste.

    hahahah on the real.. the guy that made this thread aint even here no more.. both you dumb fucks needa stop.. worm your a dumb bitch.. bongsmilie
  2. M

    Delaying cure after drying?

    that sucks man sorry.. but i heard if you put weed in a freeezer the triches freeeze and break off when you handle them... im kinda in the same situation but i cured for 1 week and 1 day and ima leave for a week..
  3. M

    Is 380g wet weight from 2 plants a respectable yield??

    your gonna need to at least burp for 5 more days.. if you dont burp just make sure to keep an eye on them ..
  4. M

    So finally harvested WHITE RUSSIAN. 700 grams

    my bad i guess i read it wrong.. and your title threw me off too .. well congrats on the grow
  5. M

    So finally harvested WHITE RUSSIAN. 700 grams

    really 14 ozs when its 700 grams wet.. dude your lying or im fuckd in the head.. cuz i had like 900 grams wet and i only got like 180+gs ... yeah lets see the pics.. ohh and is it 14 oz with the stems?
  6. M

    From clone to harvest in one easy post ;)

    on the real that looks like alot more then an ounce and a half.. i harvested a cheese plant that looked smaller then that and i got a full oz and 10 grams.. good grow
  7. M

    weight lose after driying

    sorry to say but your colas look like my little buds on the bottom of my plant.. but you gotta start somewhere right
  8. M

    hoping at least an oz.

    dam man thats dope.. you give me hope man.. i didnt think my plant was an oz but if you say you got an ounce and 3/4 off that one. im sure i did too.. good job man.. and that 1000 watter shit it gets hot!! i had a problem to keep the heat down until i got a good vent system.. i hope all goes...
  9. M

    24 or 48hrs Of Darkness Before I Chop Her Down

    honestly jsgrwn just shut the fuck up and smoke your weed.. we all know your talkin out your ass.. you just got served by my man nova
  10. M

    Good strains for SOG closet grow

    you dont need 3 gal pots.. cuz in a sog you dont veg . you put it in flower right when it shows roots.. i did a sog in a 1 gal pot and it didnt go rootbound
  11. M

    Rough Estimate

    wait you have 3 600 watt lights you said.... that seems so wrong now.. use a room not a tent.. 3x600 watts at least pound and a half 2 pounds if your good
  12. M

    Grand Daddy Purple S.O.G. Journal

    yeah you inspired me to do a sog man.. i love it .. hahha not as crazy as yours but kinda good.. heheh 1000 watter and 25 clones maybe.. i might bump it up to 30 i wanna try and get a pzzy... your gdp looks beautiful may i have her hand in marriage.. ohhh i love you mary jane!!
  13. M

    Harvest time!!!!!!!!! Pics

    looks nice.. kush? hehhe frosty to me.. when your blazing a blunt think of me!!:weed:
  14. M

    My SOG mission. Various strains. Ongoing journal.

    yo whats up man.. nice SoG.. im gonna do one in about a month.. with 20-25 clones of something nice heheh and with a 1000 watter... but i gotta get through this one first.. i kinda fell into some trouble though.. im in 4th week on flowering and i got the mites.. fuck.. im using the hot shot no...
  15. M

    400 plant sog

    for fuck sake dont you think he already fuckin knows what can happen.. hes not a dumbass.. we all know wat were doing.. we just dont like to talk about it..:confused:
  16. M

    something wrong with my gdp clone, advicehelp please 1000w, granddaddy purple

    just use plain water right now.. your clones are lookin fuckd up on ph..
  17. M

    Curing: Help my smell!

    hahahh fuck pcp.. shits a bad trip no matter what ppl say.. keep burning that green:joint::hump:
  18. M

    SayWords 1st grow, seven plants

    i like bombin.. but dam it aint worth the ride to county anymore for me.. big badass BaMc crew Bombing ALL Marjor CITIES!!
  19. M

    Ratty's At It Again!! White Widow Round 2!!

    fuck bro i fuckin feel like shit for you.. dam 3 months wasted and the electricity.. i hate how ppl say there your friends but they rob you... wtf:spew:
  20. M

    So i just harvested...

    whoever said that shit was a ounce is faded already... that shit looks like a hookd up 1/8 fuckin 3 inch cola wtf... nice though.. i give anyone props that can grow there own shit:joint::hump: