Search results

  1. eyesdembleed

    stones deffusion has anyone tried it

    In mine i have slits which seem just fine. never tried the holes kind. my next stem I will try out the holed kind. again more deffusion. haha and more burned bud. im go get some of them marbles from the store. I know the're going to be regular size marbles and I wonder if the smaller beads would...
  2. eyesdembleed

    stones deffusion has anyone tried it

    I found this site here from a high times ad. aside from the 2 fine honeys they got. the the product looked interesting. they are glass deffusion beads that break up the smoke right in the water here. sounds great for more deffusion. I looked around and found out that roor has something like it...
  3. eyesdembleed

    bong joint size question

    Whats the difference? i have seen 14.5mm, 18.8mm, and 29.2mm. 18.8 is the most commen right? so if I want to have the most bowl ashcathcer options is that what i should go with? much thx
  4. eyesdembleed

    Time for da bong

    The thing is I know my area's shops and they are very overpriced for glass that has no work on it for a perc or way to much work with no perc. I dont want a giant octipuss on my bong i want a tube. I live in FL so the salt life is big here. That bong with shipping and the defuser wont break...
  5. eyesdembleed

    Time for da bong

    most of the local shops charge way over for any kind of perced bong thats why im looking online. all $250 for all clear bong unworked bong. That bong was in my bugdet so thats why i was looking at that one. Something like dat bong is what i want. not bigger then 2ft, double perc, glass on glass...
  6. eyesdembleed

    Time for da bong

    Yes its time. I got the money to drop on a really good bong. I have had my red eyes on this WeedStar colord perc. Its dam nice for me. For bout $160 plus shipping its a 2 footer, double perced, nice thick 5mm glass with a fat tank cut joint (makes the down tube joint the strongest part of the...
  7. eyesdembleed

    CFL Rubbermaid Closet grow *pics and updates!*

    some other rubbermaid grows iv seen just paint the inside white and the outside black. time consuming but i like the idea of less material in the box.
  8. eyesdembleed

    Mullein Leaf

    Has any one tryed mullein leaf as a tobacco alternative. I really would like to kick my bad habit but im not getting $30 gum, you know. I read in a few places dat it helps clear the lungs. I really just want to know what it taste like. I found this site dat has it for 5 bucks an ounce. wish our...
  9. eyesdembleed

    My president is black!

    i voted for obama. im black/white just like him and it was a part of my vote for him. the other was most defiantly his ideas. on his religon, all real people have a mixed view on their faith its being human. we can hope for legalization but it may not happen. wat im looking for is full medical...
  10. eyesdembleed

    Building a new grow room

    Liking this build soon to be grow. will be watching. best of luck
  11. eyesdembleed

    First "serious" grow - Rubbermaid stealth

    hey was wondering wat soil and nutes are you using? did you hit the girls with co2? are you using a odor filter of some sort? do you think you could get more space out of square pots? would you do this grow again if you had to or just scrap it?
  12. eyesdembleed

    ganja honey

    Is this possible. Would the bees pick up the ozing resin or does the bees go for the male with the pollen? Wikipedia says "Honey is a sweet and viscous fluid produced by honey bees (and some other species), and derived from the nectar of flowers." so I guess this would be the flowering tops.
  13. eyesdembleed

    omg Job apps

    Then I dont get the job. I just dont see how it works to show a good qualified employee. If I owned a business I wouldnt use those test I would want to see the person. am I wrong?
  14. eyesdembleed

    omg Job apps

    I have been lookin for a good job the past couple weeks. Its goin slow not the point of the thread. im not blamin anything for that. Anyway on all of the online apps there is a "The following are statements about many attitudes and experiences. Read each statement and select the answer that best...
  15. eyesdembleed

    Who else can't stand rap/hip-hop?

    I said this thread was startin to sound racist becouse it went from da music to the cloths so whats next. I was feelin the thread was startin to run in a direction yes if it goes as far as saying rock isnt music and its for ignorant ppl. oh and on the top40 rap is just as bad as everyones fav...
  16. eyesdembleed

    Who else can't stand rap/hip-hop?

    . When did i dis anyones music? I think the fallacy is the point of this thread. if mr. bob newbie who started this thread luved music at all he would have started a "i luv blues rock who else does". not take the time to hate on others
  17. eyesdembleed

    Who else can't stand rap/hip-hop?

    If you started that thread It would be all good but this thread is a rant on my music. your thread would be about loving your music. as i said me being me and you being you. Jedi Mind trick hands down one of my top 3 rappers. He is Italian who took up Islam with a Buddist Dj. everybody needs...
  18. eyesdembleed

    Who else can't stand rap/hip-hop?

    There is a rap song out now I think it goes: Ima do me, u just do u, watch me do me I luv real shit RAP in every shape and form. its real, its live, its what makes my heart beat until im dead :joint: so all my real hip hop heads hit dis.
  19. eyesdembleed

    Who else can't stand rap/hip-hop?

    Hattin on my rap, my hip-hop, and my culture sounds like racism to me. Oh and let me say all them tight pants that people are wearing looks way more stupid then my dickies. and most skater kids be rockin them made tight pants and saggin.
  20. eyesdembleed

    Grow box carbon filter idea

    I came across this idea on another site here. He uses 2 small rubbermaid boxes one larger then the other. he cuts a hole in the top of the large one and cuts a hole in the bottem of the smaller one and covers that hole with screen. he sets the smaller one into the larger one. seals and fills...