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  1. MarijuanaMon


    Ok my day started off with me wakin up. after i hoke up me and my friend went outside and smoked a blunt. We ate then got on the ps3... then smoked again. ok so were pretty blown as is. so he gets ready to leave in like to hours rite, when we like power smoked this lil 1/8. after he left i got...
  2. MarijuanaMon

    Just thought i'll say The internet as we know it will be gone by 2012

    shes rite were gonna have more to worry about, but still no internet i mean cmon that blows
  3. MarijuanaMon

    First Plant... Dead

    Im sure it will go pretty good. at least u prolly know wut ur doin. im still learning iv spent hours reading
  4. MarijuanaMon

    Small Cheap Grow Box Idea

    seriously help me lol this is like the only place i trust to get info. dont let me down now ha ha ha
  5. MarijuanaMon

    First Plant... Dead

    Cuz i was goin to stay at my gramz for the day, so i had to make a stop at the pharmacy to get her shit and they took to long, when i came back to my car... which i parked way out of the way (cmon cant get cought) and it was... dead. but o well if you dont succeed then try try again
  6. MarijuanaMon

    2nd Grow.

    Ok for all of those who helped me, gave me advice, and all that other stuff. Im gonna start my second grow today after school. i think things will go alot better since i have been reading alot of this site and from what ppl have posted, and i think that it will go alot smoother. but my...
  7. MarijuanaMon

    First Plant... Dead

    Dude when i said burnt i ment BURNT lol i was like 83deg outside and it jus sat in my window and fried. only one good thing came out of that... i get to try again BIGGER AND BETTER lol
  8. MarijuanaMon

    First Plant... Dead

    Funny story it was growing sooooo good. i had to leave it in the car for about an hour. i calculated that it wouldnt get to hot in the car if the weather was like the forcast said. Fuck news ppl, ok not only was it extremly hot, their was not a cloud in the damn sky. so basicly i came out and...
  9. MarijuanaMon

    Small Cheap Grow Box Idea

    i need an idea for a cheap and small grow box, kinda like one you could fit in a closet. if anyone has any ideaz i would be glad to hear them, cuz im not all to good of a grower with the set up i have now
  10. MarijuanaMon

    can to much water make the plants look droppy?

    Poor Plant... But theirs Always More seeds and light lol jus try again, until then smoke up
  11. MarijuanaMon

    Neighbours threatening police

    Heres a very simple one if u have a car, and if you dont mind it reeking of cannibas. get an envelope and put you weed in it then set it in the window. might wanna have you car in the sun. that should dry it kinda fast w/o givin you crapy weed. and it should smoke ok but wont be to "Flame"...
  12. MarijuanaMon

    First Grow Ever!

    Well for rite now its in a small pot and has been growing for around 2 weeks. i have jus your average light bulb over it. i keep in on my desk under the light when im home and when i leave i put it outside in a nice spot. i water it with tap water that i let sit for a few days to get some of the...
  13. MarijuanaMon

    can to much water make the plants look droppy?

    From what i know that if ur plant looks like the leaves are dying then its underwatered, but if the look like the have life but the kinda curl then their over wateres
  14. MarijuanaMon

    True Stoner!

    Finialy a website were i fit in lol
  15. MarijuanaMon

    First Grow Ever!

    Well I have tons of respect for my mom, but i think my mom knows I smoke but she tries to stay out of my personal life. also I kno she smokes on the low, and I just dont need her takin anymore of my shit ya kno? but yea she wont find out, if i know how to keep it from being so obvious... thats...
  16. MarijuanaMon

    True Stoner!

    Hey all of my ganja smokin peers. well a lil about myself i LOVE to get high. Being high is almost like another world to me, with no worries ha ha. Im a EX-DEALER because I realized I like to smoke more then sell. Im starting to grown in my room (wish me luck). But i am dedicated to marijuana...
  17. MarijuanaMon

    First Grow Ever!

    Ok im growing a plant (Northern Lights) for the first time. I jus planted the seed, put a lamp over it and they grew. i water it up to twice daily depending on how dry it is, and I gave it a plant food stick thing nothin fancy at all. o and i maintain a temp. of about 74-82 in my room But what...