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  1. M

    Please Help I Think My Plants Are Dying!!!!!!!

    all right thanks for the tips
  2. M

    Please Help I Think My Plants Are Dying!!!!!!!

    so i should not be worried about them dying they are jsut messed up for the moment. no the leaves are not yellow i water them once every two days and the soil is always damp.
  3. M

    Please Help I Think My Plants Are Dying!!!!!!!

    i keep my plants outside and i think some bugs got on them and now the leaves are all fucked up and teh stalks are weak. they are droppy and look like shit. i dont know what to do and need some help. (sorry i know this is not the plant sroblem section but i really need some help so i thought if...
  4. M

    Please Help Me. My Plants Need Help Now!

    i keep my plants outside and there was just some rain storms. now my plants have holes in the leaves. some leaves are ripped off and the stems look very week. they are about 5 inches tall and were doing great but i guess bugs got on them. i need some advice on how to nurse them back to health...