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  1. S

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I think I am in love! is this the site you use now? greats amount of info on it.
  2. S

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Thanks 2easy. I just read your grow very nice man I have actually seen/helped setup an aquaponic system before. I also keep reef saltwater tanks, Guess I can say I am a coral grower so far, haha. so the whole aquaponic method phases me, I may have to look into it for the down the road. Any...
  3. S

    the 2easy hydroponics grow show

    Dam they are some good looking plants. may I ask what scrog is? :sad: In regards to aquaponics and fish- temp there are certain fish that can be kept outside all year around without a heater. you want to look into your perches and tilipa etc. I have someone with the ICB unit growing reg veggies...
  4. S

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I see, I know I would defs be going hydroponic or aquaponics, yet to look up aquaponics and green so not sure if they 2 work with one another!! I cant see fish giving the best nutrient supply for bud vs the premade mixes. what would be the best plan of attack? find the method I want to use...
  5. S

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Yeah I would def use cree they have a new range coming out. the MH has bulbs like this . Is there any major advantages of tents vs something I build? how safe is it buying tents...
  6. S

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Sweet thanks again guys. I guess being in vic I could try 3-5 plants without much risk? theres so many nice strains haha. I was talking to a mate last night and he has this big ass old MH light it has 2 x 250W MH (the small bulbs buts not the big curved bulb the little stick one) it also has...
  7. S

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Thanks for that! So what would be the ideal space required? I guess that would vary but is there a rough size I should be aiming for?
  8. S

    Aussie Growers Thread

    sweet, I think 3 plants would be more then enough. yeah its all about money sadly. I am down in Vic but I can already guess we most likely have the harshest laws?
  9. S

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Gday lads Just wondering if someone could give me some advice on how risky/awful the fines/punishment could be if caught growing in oz? Also in terms of stealth is there anything special I may need? A lot of the info is for US/Euro. I have been thinking about giving it a shot for some time...