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  1. D

    hid lamps

    thanks for info, i am not sure and dont wanna phuck up everything over a lighting error !!!!!!oh how do you add that little disclaimer at bottom of screen since clearly all my posts are fictional just to sound cool!!!!
  2. D

    hid lamps

    can i still grow with a mh bulb that has a internal uv filter?:hump:
  3. D

    Yellowing, curling, dying and spotted leaves

    hells yeah love the name trial and error is what i scream dont start a 10ft x10ft aeroponic sys first!start small experment 4 yourself and although research is helpfull u can usually find contradicting advice even on same sights some times!!! only answer left is........TRIAL AND ERROR...
  4. D

    when is a seedling conciderd a seedling?

    definetly let it pop on its own ive "helped" some by uncover them same as you described i couldnt wait for it when i already saw green and roots!! only time neccasarry i would think is last ditch effort if other seeds pop out on own and that one still wont but i am no weed magician like some of...
  5. D

    10/14 lighting in the last 3 weeks.

    man what is up every info i find i can find conflictin advice elsewhere same site sometimes!!!!!trial error research trial error research!!!!!!
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    3 Month old plant dieing? NEED HELP ASAP

    man i must have smoked myself retarded cuz how do i ask a phuckin question instead of just awnswer threads i have questions of my own and pics but cant figure this out not to mention i am computer illterate soo any repl to Doc Green would be great sorry wrong place to post
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    I'm under 18!

    dam haters usin haterade as nutes thats why there plants die mofo die mofo still cool
  8. D

    bottom leaves dieing

    you may think you need help dude but your stuff looks bad ass and as for as sex males grow balls (like us!) look like seeds pollups whatever females grow pistils these look like hairs almost check between nodes and branches hate to have amale ball sac! growin already secretly fuckin every female...
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    3 Month old plant dieing? NEED HELP ASAP

    man i am in the same boat brotha aaaaaaaahhhhhhh fix my yellow weed leaves please!! why i cant go to nursery and ask that is FUCKIN bafflin but let me take a oxycontin and drink a forty thats cool but no PLANTS!! oh sorry rantinf there but also make sure not to over nute, worry them to death and...
  10. D

    Closet CFL Grow

    whoa sorry dude read old posts you have moved on past all the shit i said not too shabby be happy you got a female and clone the fucker .dont!!!! waste her on one harvest when she could supply ya foreva
  11. D

    Closet CFL Grow

    hell no no nutes your plants are growin good for light you got. Also in 2 more weeks!when u add nutes make sure to check numbers on front of bottle,those three numbers mean everything ya need to know NPK usally looks like....10-15-10. do a lil search and find numbers tou want dor...