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  1. automated

    Do you tell her... everything?

    Telling your significant other, even the tiny things you might be emberassed off, without repraisal or shame ..... gives trust, both ways. I'd prefer to tell my partner everything, instead of having to remember little lies whixh got exchanged with the truth along the way. If you find...
  2. automated

    Fan wiring to 12V Adapter help

    is there a label on the fan with details ? (can you take pic if there is)
  3. automated

    Tent, cold conditions; 5x feminised snow white

    Last week all the ladies got harvested, hung from the main sidebranches after a crude trim in the tent for 4 days @ 45%~55% humidity with temperatures between 20~25 degrees (68F~77F), after this another trim and jarred. (3L pots / 0,79 gallon jars) yield is crudely 620gr, giving me a...
  4. automated

    Top 10 RIU female hotties! (part 1)

    A pic, finally :) I nominate her, herbalicious.
  5. automated

    Top 10 RIU female hotties! (part 1)

    How about informing the nominees, and advice them to solidify their positions by contributing position solidifying photographic material Ó_ò was worth a shot ....
  6. automated

    Top 10 RIU female hotties! (part 1)

    Ofc it's not. Pics must include upper torso >_>
  7. automated

    Top 10 RIU female hotties! (part 1)

    Pics, or the list is futile :blsmoke:
  8. automated

    !Help! Heat problem in new tent! ++REP

    How big is the tent ? sufficient for the 600w ? Do you use a cool tube for the light ? Do you actually vent the air from your tent, meaning the use of an extraction fan ? Or do you only circulate the inside air by means of fans ? You could perhaps have your lights on during dark periodes...
  9. automated


    I would reply to the police: That meth addicted stripper prostitute got angry because I didnt want to buy her drugs, this was after having had sex with her and she suddenly wanted to get paid for it. Crazy women. And get yourself a lawyer, asap.
  10. automated

    Need help with second attempt at growing

    What do you know so far ?
  11. automated

    Are my plants normal ? Please tell me

    yup they look normal for overwaterd plants.
  12. automated

    Any ideas

    in that case, lets rob the guy when he takes the add board away after countless people failed :)
  13. automated

    Any ideas

    Some acid to take care of the sealent. Or liquid nitrogen, spray over the glass and hammer time.
  14. automated

    Tent, cold conditions; 5x feminised snow white

    Its now the start of week 9 of flower, the ladies on the left seem to be ok for another week or so, they still have lots of white pistils. The ladies on the right and the middle one should be going by the end of the week. I noticed some of the lower growth being laced with resin like mad, but...
  15. automated

    PC style box Temperature problems HELP ASAP PLEASE!!

    Can you turn the fan in pic 1 off, and have the one below the tray just suck air out ?
  16. automated

    PC style box Temperature problems HELP ASAP PLEASE!!

    I was wondering if there was a plant there and if it perhaps died already. Cos, i seen a situation where plants were right infront of the fan. Good conditions, climate was well, plants died. The plants where right infront of a fan and somehow died cos of it. I would see a solution in taking...
  17. automated

    PC style box Temperature problems HELP ASAP PLEASE!!

    Was there a plant in the empty pot ?
  18. automated

    Muslim Riots

    Out of those pants and her slim waist might reduce, but that would all be hanging over, or extending, her ass. You should be paying attention to the road, and not some fat ass.
  19. automated

    any ideas on how to take some smoke with me to egypt?

    I would say dont bring any with you. I been to Egypt twice. The police look like pissed of millitary folks with AK's, not the smokable kind. Landing there the first time I noticed a tank playing security. They have death penalties. And you want to take a bit of weed with you through customs ...
  20. automated

    Can't Upload Profile Picture

    Edit profile pic Edit avatar Top right click my rollitup Halfway down on your left.