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  1. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    I didn't even have to say what exactly i needed the stuff for at home depot. i guess i just sort of give off this aura of pot headed-ness! he asked me what it was for, and why i would need four 8 inch chrome dome work lamp clamps and four 150 w bulbs. i was like "um, im growing plants in...
  2. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    the guy at home depot told me to hit him up when its harvest time! lol. so funny
  3. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    kronicChris: i used fox farms grow big then switched to flora nova big bloom. and as for the guy at the hydro store, he was right, the nutes work great for blooming. i wouldn't worry too much about him saying anything though, the guy at home depot definitely knew what i was needing some 8 inch...
  4. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    what does water curing mean? never heard of it!!
  5. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    i thought hanging them up was drying them, and putting them in the paper bag was curing them. (?). anyways, so im not sure if anyone has ever had this problem before. i have been smoking for 14 years now, and never had an allergic reaction to marijuana. that is, not until after harvesting my...
  6. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    muchas gracias, BG! the buds dont smell that good though. they smell more like fresh garden plants, not how they smelled on the bush. i made some killer brownies though out of my male plant. the plant was so big, once i chopped it up it almost filled an entire plastic grocery bag! i made...
  7. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    question. if one were to harvest in sort of an emergency situation and didnt get to flush the plants at all, is that a horrible thing that will completely make the smoking experience suck? is there even a point in finishing the drying process and moving on to the curing process? or would...
  8. F

    Aerogarden club

    damn, I just read the entire 68 pages of threads because I'm close to harvest time and was trying to find some valuable information. First of all, how many times can you guys ask about germinating seeds and lighting????!!! For the love of god. Read the FAQs and read the damn thread. There is...
  9. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    nah just a joke. i am schizo and have split personality disorder. woo hoo!!! just say no
  10. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    by the way, flora nova bloom was added yesterday. does that stuff really work as well as i have heard, bg? if so, im in week 8 so far, and i am getting really impatient. how much longer till i can smoke? they are 2 1/2 ft. tall
  11. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    my plants have flowers on them and buds that are about 2 mm large. how much longer till i can harvest them??? ps. this is still a joke and not true at all.
  12. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    hey bg and nola. thanks for trying to help me delete that post. i already contacted the "contact us" part of this website (twice) and no one responded back. i have spent a lot of time trying to delete that post and i cant figure it out. i did what nola said and went to display modes, etc...
  13. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    it won't let me edit or erase old postings. does anyone know how i can do that? please!!
  14. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    ok it seems like this is getting a little out of hand. i am only a minor and this is making me scared. these pictures i copied off the internet were fake. please don't cyberly hate me. i want to delete my account cause im scared of my mom using my computer. can someone tell me how to do...
  15. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    how do i do that????? help me please
  16. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    what are you talking about? this is all a joke lol
  17. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    hey bg420. i havent switched yet to the blooming nutes. im using those fox farms grow big 6-4-4. what exactly do i need? i know you said flora nova, but what strength do you recommend? i can't just stick to what im using? i paid 20 bucks for my nutes, and had them shipped to me from...
  18. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    7. im down to 4 plants (all female I think!!!)
  19. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    if you read all my threads you will see how my aerogarden is working out. i am VERY pleased with my results. im sure in a week or so i will be getting some buds. look at the pics...there are some from the beginning to recent (which i am going to post up today). the aerogarden does have a...
  20. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    OK! its been a while but I'm back! In action. I have moved my setup to one of my bathrooms, specifically in the bathtub. The plants are thriving in there!!! I just have a couple of questions though. I figured out that I have one male plant (at least) because those little round buds were...