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  1. suppermario

    :Joint: Tokin'

    OMG my back just went out on me so I'm :bigjoint: and had to take 2 k pins. I hate taking pills they just make you all fucked up in the wrong way and I cant drive on thing shit. I need to know how to get that rub they sell in cali back muscle and one know how I can get my hands one something...
  2. suppermario

    :Joint: Tokin'

    I will have to take your word for it would love to go see it but dont know anyone that lives there and the ones I do dont smoke. But I do love south park :blsmoke: so what is the deal with smoking there now can you but it in a store if you over 21 and smoke? like how dos that shit work?
  3. suppermario

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    happy birthday hope you have lots of fun with all the money :blsmoke:
  4. suppermario

    Is there a chew bag of HTC and what not

    I have seen chew bag that you pop in you mouth for like 20 to 45 mins tobacco less spit with having the bag and the bag keeps it for getting ever where. so if no one has come up with it yet I think it would b a good way for some one in the work place to get the fix of Medical Marijuana they need...
  5. suppermario

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I'm spelling all fuck up for got the E and you call me a cop lol I think cops have to go to school and read lol well I hope then do
  6. suppermario

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    A blunt B and D boat y out fishing for tuna when the sun is going down and you cant see land and the stars shine so nice out there. C I like to b playing Bob y the sun is setting E. I love to eat fresh tuna steaks when I'm high F My Ex Girlfriends lil brother and I have the best...
  7. suppermario

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    NO I'm not a cop lol just trying to get to know ppl try to and what they like to do for fun I'm not asking to hang out lol jst trying to get ppl to talk
  8. suppermario

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    OK ppl this is a _5_ Part Question A. So what is every ones favorite way to burn ? bong, bowl, blunt , jays ,vape, or other B. Where is your favorite place to relax y you burn ? on a boat, in the woods, cool spot in the backyard, in a hot tub, in bed, on the beach, maybe a smoke...
  9. suppermario

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I love how this thread has so much BSing around in it. I'm DJing for a group of 5 potheads just relaxing and smoking some jays. and talking with them and read some of the post in here is just a great way to chill out plus I have this mike shack it to died for. PS let me get a spell check...
  10. suppermario

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    well then I guess its going to take me time cuz I keep make new names over the years lol
  11. suppermario

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    so how do you get more green bars next to your name and your lvl up on this site is it with time yo how much you post.
  12. suppermario

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    smoke on
  13. suppermario

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    OK now that ever one happy lets all fire one up here at 1:00 AM east coast time 10 min from now group smoke
  14. suppermario

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    :bigjoint: fixed it there for you guys I got C-'s in school lol
  15. suppermario

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    In school soon they will have to learn text code like the ( TMI , BRB , SMH , L8ter , ) and stuff like that and our kids will be like how come you had to spell the whole word when talking to some one that's crazy.
  16. suppermario

    :Joint: Tokin'

    Y do you love you city so much if you dont mind me asking there?
  17. suppermario

    :Joint: Tokin'

    As someone who sold pot when I was in high school. I would say that if you are a 1/8 to 1/4 and week buyer you should smoke me up ones a week for dealing with you and if you are a 1/2 to full oz buyer we take turns smoking one another and QP to lbs if you are spending that kinda money you should...
  18. suppermario

    My girlfriend wants to know if grow lights will work as tanning lights

    If she dos get cancer she would not have to go far to get some bud
  19. suppermario

    My girlfriend wants to know if grow lights will work as tanning lights

    Ok so I should tell my girlfriend not to hang out in there to much unless she is naked with sunglass and some SPF15
  20. suppermario

    My girlfriend wants to know if grow lights will work as tanning lights

    My girlfriend wants to know if grow lights will work as tanning lights she has been asking me if she can sit in the tent and get a tan. I have not clue but I have a feeling someone as looked in to this be for for a girlfriend. If anyone can help me get her off my back would be nice.