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  1. sisko707

    Panda poly film wall??

    Here's a tip... Cut out a bunch of 1x1 pieces of cardboard. By stapling the square between the poly and the staple, it acts kind of like a buffer and your poly wont rip off the staple. Then you can follow behind with duct tape. Awesome advice i got a couple of years ago!
  2. sisko707

    male or female

    males. sorry
  3. sisko707

    Phantom 1000w Dimmable Ballast...

    I have the Phantom 1000 and it is dimmable... I don't recommend running your 600w bulb on it because, like dbkick pointed out... they run full charge for the first 15 minutes at powering up. Plus, they shut down if the light gets too hot and will not power back on until cooled down. Also, the...
  4. sisko707

    Any female growers in Northern Cali?

    I'm a female grower in northern california. I'm married and have two kids. My husband makes killer money with his own career while i farm full time and year round. It did take a bit of adjusting when i started on my own gardens a few years back. Originally, i did feel a bit criticized by...
  5. sisko707

    newbie first grow and nutes question

    I use the GH FloraNova series... start with Grow and eventually move into Bloom. Yes, the line is on the top of the list as for pricing but well worth it. Just follow the manufacturer's instructions. If you have half way decent babies then that's all you'll need. Good luck my friend.
  6. sisko707

    Help with Germinating and seedling... need help with Nuts too!.Thx!

    I am not very familiar with propagators, however roots still need to be handled the same way. Assuming that they are in rockwool plugs, you can just transfer them in the plugs into your baskets with something like coco pellets. You want to make sure to give the roots enough space below to grow...
  7. sisko707

    Help with Germinating and seedling... need help with Nuts too!.Thx!

    I agree with ringlead3r... I use the floranova line. I start with 0 ppm water and bump it up to about 200 ppm with the grow relatively shortly after they start sprouting. Be careful though... if you are using that particular series of nutrients, you have to do it gradually. It's pretty strong...
  8. sisko707

    Can i transfer clones from soil to rockwool cubes???

    They are 4" - 5" tall and are in 4" pots right now. Their roots are getting pretty established as they have been in those pots for about 3 or 4 weeks.
  9. sisko707

    Need a second opinion

    Awe thank you.
  10. sisko707


    Saw this thread and thought it was a fun idea. Now I haven't really exposed anywhere on this site the fact that I am not only one of the larger producing farmers in my area (full-time job all on my own), but I am also a married mother of two simply so that I get equal feedback, etc. My husband...
  11. sisko707

    Need a second opinion

    I found the love of my life dead face down on his bedroom floor just last month due to a heroin overdose. Several of us have similar stories. I've never even done the drug but I hate it more than anything I've ever hated. The reality is that if she liked it at all (even just a little), she will...
  12. sisko707


    Yep.. definitely need to revoke his man card! If his threat was serious and your actions tell me that he was, then that should also give you some real insight about his commitment to your marriage. Let me guess... He was all good with everything at launch right? He's doing it for the power to...
  13. sisko707

    Can i transfer clones from soil to rockwool cubes???

    I cant believe that i didnt think this through! Ive always started with my own seedlings and/or cuttings in rockwool plugs which are no problem to transfer. Recently, i scored a handful of some nice Blackberry Kush babies and they are ready to move to my flower room, but they are in soil! I...
  14. sisko707

    My girls are getting too big! Help!

    Ok... Maybe there's no such thing as "too big". However, over the last two weeks or so, my girls have been growing tremendously (outdoors). So much so that every morning when i come out to water or tend to them, i find at least one lower branch completely snapped off because of its weight! Now...
  15. sisko707

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    Awwww.... Neem Oil is one I always have on hand in my diverse and rather large collection of nutrients, additives, juices, etc. In fact I have two nearly empty bottles that I'm looking at right now. I've always used it on my indoor grows and it has always worked within two treatments because I...
  16. sisko707

    got cought growing

    Yes it is a federal offense in the U.S. However, the laws have become established at the state level and are, for the most part, enforced and monitored by state then the county in which you reside. I live in California. A patient's script allows them to cultivate up to 30 plants within a 100...
  17. sisko707

    Urgent question about lighting!

    I have someone visiting unexpectedly today, but my girls' lights are out until tonight. My question is am I putting them at risk if I turn the lights on (right in the middle of their 12 hours off) for no more than 10 or 15 minutes so that he can check everything out? Yes I have green lights...
  18. sisko707


    We plan on using a bat guano and fish emulsion tea that we store in a 55 gallon drum. Because outdoor plants are more hardy I don't think I'm going to run filtered water... just simply connect my water source to soaker lines and a timer. As for the number of plants, in the county I reside in is...
  19. sisko707


    Babies are looking great! I'm waiting on their third set of leaves so that I can clone some of them and determine their sex before I take them outside. Next year I think I'll pay the extra money to get seeds that are feminized so that I don't have to go through this whole process. To be...
  20. sisko707

    Blue Dream / Sour Diesel cross... Ebb & Flow

    The girls are looking awesome! I am in week 3 and have separated the girls into two trays now and have switched over to a 12/12 light schedule to force them to flower. No signs of mites in at least a week but continue to treat with Neem oil weekly.