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  1. O

    Getting ready for my first grow and had a question about taking temperatures

    Thanks for the advice viper. So with moving the thermometer probe out of direct sunlight and also connecting another fan at the end of my exhaust I'm pulling high 82s low 83s which is way better. Hopefully when I finish the permanent exhaust line for tent I shave a little more off since at...
  2. O

    Getting ready for my first grow and had a question about taking temperatures

    Here's a slightly more well lit picture. I do have my exhaust ventilation ran across the top of my tent and a box fan blowing directly on the meter. When taking the temperature is it skewed at all being exposed to that amount of light? Like when the weather reports the temperatures, those...
  3. O

    Getting ready for my first grow and had a question about taking temperatures

    If it helps here is a picture of how I have it set up currently, the little silver thing on top of the bucket is the thermometer and it read 92.3 at the time of this picture. Also there is a 27" box fan in the corner of the tent blowing on the meter. If I am taking temps correctly pretty sure...
  4. O

    Getting ready for my first grow and had a question about taking temperatures

    Hey everybody, so this is my first post and I've been prepping for a while now and I'm getting ready to start my first grow. I've been picking up a lot of equipment and I have mostly everything so I've started putting my tent together getting ready for Day 0. Anyway, I've been trying to get an...