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  1. S

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    How about this one? It's an Easy Ryder on day 78 from seed. It's my first grow so I'm having a hard time determining how far along she is - my magnifying glass is on its way. She's got a pretty high leaf:flower ratio at the bud sites. Does that happen sometimes or could it be because she's not...
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    SHAFTED by Attitude

    What did you expect? Of course they can't refund you when you actually tell them that you're trying to grow the seeds. It's illegal. The business is legal. Had you come up with a better excuse and not asked them outright to help you break the law, they might have been able to help you.
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    Mold on soil of coleus

    Doesn't that kill seedlings rather quickly? Thanks. I've become convinced that poor drainage is indeed the problem. The green stuff still seems weird to me, though. I would have thought that too much moisture would simply cause straight white mold. I'm happy to say that the plants are still...
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    Easyryder in DIY CFL Growbox

    I believe a big congratulations is in order! She still looks healthy as can be. I'd be happy if mine looks half as good in three weeks. Thank you for documenting this grow in such detail. It's helped me a lot as a reference to gauge my own girl's progress.
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    Mold on soil of coleus

    As Toolage said, I didn't want to damage anything and the seedlings didn't seem to suffer from it. I think it's quite benign, but I'm still planning to kill it if I can. Dry top soil keeps it at bay. I may try to mist with hydrogen peroxide if I can get my hands on some.
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    Mold on soil of coleus

    Right. I'll do that from now on. But I couldn't scrape anything off without hurting the seedlings. For now, I'll water from the bottom and make sure the top layer of soil doesn't get drenched. Could be.
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    Mold on soil of coleus

    Just thought I'd give a small update on this: The white stuff was dense enough that it was holding in water. Almost had a cotton candy texture. I took a knife and mixed the top soil around so that the mold wasn't visible anymore. After this the soil dried out quickly on the surface and I haven't...
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    Easyryder in DIY CFL Growbox

    Cheers. Probably bigger than mine's going to get, but it's nice to have a max estimate. The smell seems to change quite often, in my experience. For me, I've had at least 3 different smells throughout the last 5 weeks. It's quite interesting. Also, it's looking damn amazing!
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    Mold on soil of coleus

    So my test pot with nothing but soil finally grew some mold. It's a very light, airy coating. Very different from what I have around my plants. Based on this, I'd say the soil is not the culprit.
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    Mold on soil of coleus

    Well, that's comforting. Then at least I have plenty of time to find out how to get rid of it.
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    Mold on soil of coleus

    That would be great! I won't do anything rash. I would hate to lose any of them - one is already starting to show purple leaves :) My soil definitely doesn't drain as well as I'd like. It's pure cheap potting soil - so pretty much all sphagnum - but I don't think that alone would cause this...
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    Mold on soil of coleus

    My first suspect was the soil as well. I'm currently trying to test it by letting it sit, well watered, in a pot with no plants and so far (3 days) there's been no trace of the mold in this pot. I will have to transplant them again soon, but I was hoping to wait till they've become a little...
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    Mold on soil of coleus

    Gnarly is right. I have one pot with 5 plants and another with 2. I use the 2 plants to experiment on. For the past two days I've had them in direct light - this made no difference. Today, I drowned them in chamomile tea (I read somewhere that this should be a good treatment for many mold...
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    Mold on soil of coleus

    Hello Gardening Section, I've started a few coleus plants from seed and their soil is now covered in a white fuzzy mold with small green spores. At first, little green dots showed up (mostly on uneven points in the soil) and then the white stuff spread around them. They were initially planted...
  15. S

    Update on my windowsill + cfl project (first grow) [Easy Ryder]

    Not at all. Just a little misunderstanding :) I got some more pictures. It turned out to be very difficult to get a good shot of the main stem. This is the best I could do. It goes on a little longer and turns back around the sprouting point. I added black arrows to show it more clearly.. I...
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    Update on my windowsill + cfl project (first grow) [Easy Ryder]

    Aha, yes I did misinterpret your post. Guess I'm in a defensive mood today :) Sorry about that. "Never pay full price for anything" I love that philosophy! Sadly, I rarely have the patience to follow through with it. I guess you're right that I could have put something together with materials...
  17. S

    Update on my windowsill + cfl project (first grow) [Easy Ryder]

    I have nothing. I literally have -nothing- in the way of materials or tools laying around, which means that I would have to invest money in every little component. It all adds up. The electrical components (sockets, wires etc.) alone cost me more than the light bulbs. Add to that the fact that I...
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    Update on my windowsill + cfl project (first grow) [Easy Ryder]

    Hello RIU, I'm currently doing my very first grow. It's an auto-strain (easy ryder). Since I wasn't ready to pour too much money into this project right away, I decided to go a slightly alternative routine with respect to lighting. I placed my girl in a south facing windowsill and hung a few...
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    Easyryder in DIY CFL Growbox

    She looks pretty big in those pictures. Do you have her measurements? I'm currently growing an Easy Ryder as well and I'd be interested in knowing how much space she will take up (it's my first grow so I really have no frame of reference).
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    Stem Tea

    Since most parts of this forum are public, there's an easy fix to any search related problems: Google -> {search words} e.g.