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  1. T and Shipping to Australia

    Just to update. Received my seeds from today. Both the THC Bomb and the Crystal look quality, very fast delivery and very stealthy. Almost thought I'd been ripped till I literally tore the packaging apart piece by piece. Oh you sneaky devils you! All in all very happy with...
  2. T

    Welcome New Members!

    Thx toasted, nice to hear I'm on to a winner. Will look in to Afg kush and Hog, also def look up ghost train #1, early strains were reported and I think in fact tested to have highest thc content found yet, around 25%. Train haze is a cross between that line and Neville's wreck. Hoping to...
  3. T and Shipping to Australia

    Hey guys just ordered 10 Thc bomb and 10 Crystal of them, chose normal shipping, got the email today. Saying they are doing stealth just to confirm. Will update if they come through. Goblin
  4. T

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi all, new grower here. Thinking after lot of research of starting drip hydro setup. Gonna be starting a thread as I have some pretty specific challenges to overcome, looking for a lil tutelage. Managed to get hold of some ghost train haze and Thc bomb. Looking for max potency over yield. Any...